Mindful Musings

Mindful Musings is a newsletter that explores a diverse range of subjects including technology, culture, personal development, lifestyle, and societal observations, with a recurring focus on authenticity, mindfulness, and the nuances of living in NYC. It blends personal anecdotes with broader reflections on everyday life and societal trends.

Technology Culture Personal Development Lifestyle Societal Observations Mindfulness New York City Life Personal Security Economics Art and Creativity Authenticity Language and Communication Physical Fitness International Differences Housing and Urban Living Digital Identity Entertainment Analysis Human Behavior

The hottest Substack posts of Mindful Musings

And their main takeaways
206 HN points β€’ 28 Feb 23
  1. Understanding how SMS fraud works involves premium phone numbers, gaming for profit, and exploiting vulnerabilities in services.
  2. Protecting against SMS fraud can involve measures like obfuscating endpoints, blocking sketchy IPs, and implementing rate-limiting on SMS sending.
  3. Twilio has the potential to offer SMS fraud protection using data on fraudulent numbers and carriers.
62 implied HN points β€’ 14 Jun 23
  1. Learning new languages and phrases in a foreign country is fun and reveals unique cultural aspects.
  2. Accents, local phrases, and sayings are key to understanding local culture and history.
  3. Unique phrases like 'Fuhgeddaboudit' and expressions like 'You're so good' offer insights into language and community experiences.
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83 implied HN points β€’ 14 Feb 23
  1. The author shares a story of encountering an artist named Blob Dylan in Brooklyn, which seemed to resonate deeply with them.
  2. Despite the mystery and intrigue surrounding Blob Dylan, the author ultimately learns that heroes may not always meet expectations when met in person.
  3. The encounter with Blob Dylan inspires the author to realize the power of having a dream and making a mark on the world, encouraging readers to embrace their own potential for change.
41 implied HN points β€’ 02 Jul 23
  1. The show Chernobyl displayed restraint by keeping the content concise and focused on the reality of the events.
  2. The excellent use of language in the show added depth and authenticity to the characters and setting.
  3. The attention to detail in portraying the 1980s Soviet Union, from clothing to equipment, enhanced the immersive experience for viewers.
41 implied HN points β€’ 23 Jan 23
  1. In the past, rituals came before love in the journey to finding a partner.
  2. Today, we have more freedom in choosing partners, but it makes the process more challenging.
  3. Modern expectations of love are high, but we are trying to rush the process within a short timeframe.
41 implied HN points β€’ 16 Jan 23
  1. Walking is the best way to understand a city as it allows you to engage with the street and its people.
  2. Avoid distractions like music or podcasts when walking to fully focus on your surroundings.
  3. Walking alone or with a familiar companion can help you discover new routes and inviting stores.
41 implied HN points β€’ 09 Jan 23
  1. New year's resolutions often focus on optimizing life by adding or removing behaviors.
  2. The 'optimiser mindset' is common in ambitious people who approach life methodically.
  3. Exploring new ways of living and embracing chaos can also lead to personal growth.
41 implied HN points β€’ 02 Jan 23
  1. Love languages can be different between giving and receiving.
  2. Constraints can lead to innovation and deep thinking.
  3. AI may replace tasks but not entire jobs, with humans focusing on supervision and areas of unique advantage.
41 implied HN points β€’ 30 Dec 22
  1. The newsletter Mindful Musings shares cool things the author has learned and is thinking about.
  2. It promises to be fun, exciting, and you might even learn something new!
  3. Readers are invited to subscribe to the newsletter for more content.
20 implied HN points β€’ 07 Feb 23
  1. Human behavior can be a reliable way to understand the passage of time without a watch or calendar.
  2. Observing certain cultural and seasonal cues can help in guessing the month or time of year.
  3. Patterns in human behavior and societal norms can serve as a unique way of tracking time.
20 implied HN points β€’ 30 Jan 23
  1. Giving concepts good, memorable names can significantly increase their impact.
  2. Good labels for concepts can lead to faster and more productive conversations.
  3. Having a shared understanding through good labeling is crucial for effective communication.