The hottest Market Regulation Substack posts right now

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Keubiko’s Musings 845 implied HN points 10 May 23
  1. Former owners of MMTLP faced challenges due to its cancellation and distribution of value through NBH shares.
  2. Understanding key dates and settlement processes is crucial in managing investments.
  3. Misconceptions around short selling, market makers, and securities registration led to confusion among MMTLP investors.
Concoda 502 implied HN points 21 Mar 23
  1. There is a hidden battle within America's sovereign debt market that is about to transform.
  2. The regulatory focus is shifting towards increasing transparency in the Treasury market to subdue systemic risk.
  3. Implementing all-to-all trading in the Treasury market could democratize the market, enhance liquidity, and improve market resilience.
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