Silent Lunch, The David Zweig Newsletter

Silent Lunch, authored by David Zweig, offers investigative reporting and commentary across a diverse range of topics including science, technology, children's health, school policies, psychology, media integrity, and public health. It scrutinizes media practices, governmental policies, and societal beliefs, often challenging mainstream narratives and exploring the implications of misinformation and censorship.

Science and Technology Children and Schools Psychology Media Integrity Public Health and Policy Government and Civil Liberties Investigative Reporting Societal Beliefs and Misinformation Vaccines and Health Misinformation Censorship and Free Speech

The hottest Substack posts of Silent Lunch, The David Zweig Newsletter

And their main takeaways
72 implied HN points β€’ 03 Jan 24
  1. Top medical organizations are advocating for the government to censor Americans' free speech.
  2. The brief argues that the government should combat 'vaccine misinformation' and be the ultimate decider of truth.
  3. It is concerning that prestigious medical associations are pushing to suppress information and control what is considered 'misinformation'.
35 implied HN points β€’ 22 Jan 24
  1. Vaccine mandates during the pandemic were a departure from past policies, impacting civil liberties and public health.
  2. Media narratives linking anti-vax sentiment to right-wing ideologies were misleading, with cases revealing diverse political backgrounds of fraudsters.
  3. Enforcement resources on vaccine card fraud raise concerns about priorities over healthcare crimes of greater magnitude.
23 implied HN points β€’ 02 Feb 24
  1. States threw away millions of dollars worth of PPE that could have still been effective.
  2. Expiration dates on masks and gowns may not accurately reflect their actual effectiveness.
  3. Authority decisions on PPE disposal lack evidence-based analysis and contribute to public health policy concerns.
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15 implied HN points β€’ 18 Feb 24
  1. Dave is pausing the Silent Lunch newsletter to focus on finishing his book and external research work.
  2. During the pause, paid subscribers will not lose any money, with payments suspended for monthly subscribers and subscriptions extended for annual subscribers.
  3. Dave assures readers that once the newsletter resumes, they can expect more content they love, including investigative pieces like those mentioned in the post.
43 implied HN points β€’ 01 Sep 23
  1. A new study challenges the logic behind pandemic responses like forced masking and distancing for healthy individuals.
  2. Research shows that presymptomatic infected individuals rarely have the ability to infect others.
  3. Findings suggest that social distancing measures may not have been as effective as previously believed.
36 implied HN points β€’ 17 Sep 23
  1. A former White House official made a false statement about UK vaccine policy, leading to misleading context in the article.
  2. The CDC's broad COVID vaccine recommendation faced opposition from public health professionals, unlike more tailored plans in other countries.
  3. The NYT has been accused of amplifying extreme CDC policies without proper investigation or context with other countries' approaches.
19 implied HN points β€’ 24 Nov 23
  1. The author values genuine engagement in conversations and believes that conflict and debate are essential for real relationships.
  2. The author expresses gratitude for the support of subscribers and the autonomy of working on their newsletter, Silent Lunch.
  3. The author plans to expand Silent Lunch with more investigative pieces, guest writers, and a podcast in the coming year.
47 implied HN points β€’ 08 Jun 23
  1. A little-known organization called the Uniform Law Commission is working on a document to give governors wide powers during emergencies.
  2. The Model Public-Health-Emergency Authority Act aims to clarify governors' powers during health emergencies.
  3. The Act grants governors significant powers, such as issuing orders for various actions, with implications on civil liberties.
24 implied HN points β€’ 20 Sep 23
  1. A new Pfizer study found that 3 doses of the Covid vaccine for kids under 5 didn't show significant benefits.
  2. The media largely ignored the unfavorable results of the study.
  3. The study revealed that the Pfizer vaccine, as directed with 3 doses, did not reduce Covid-related medical visits for young children.
8 implied HN points β€’ 25 Dec 23
  1. Some Christmas traditions can be seen through a different, critical lens, like a Latinx perspective on the holiday.
  2. It's important to consider the historical and cultural context behind popular Christmas narratives.
  3. Scholarly articles can provide insightful perspectives that challenge mainstream ideas.
27 implied HN points β€’ 14 Aug 23
  1. US government is accused of withholding critical information about the lab leak of Covid-19.
  2. The DNI report on Covid-19 origin was criticized for being deficient and potentially deliberate in not revealing important information.
  3. There are suspicions of a deliberate lack of effort to uncover the truth about the pandemic's origin, with concerns about potential cover-ups and implications on global health and geopolitics.
27 implied HN points β€’ 07 Aug 23
  1. The post discusses Dr. Fauci's deceptions and obfuscations related to high-risk virology research and the potential lab leak in Wuhan.
  2. It highlights how Fauci's language choices, like referring to a paper as a 'study' instead of 'correspondence,' can impact the perceived weight of evidence.
  3. The article aims to surprise and alarm readers who may not have closely followed the story.
8 implied HN points β€’ 03 Dec 23
  1. The post covers topics like DEI and Jews, a study on vegan twins, and a comparison of death rates between Florida and California.
  2. The post is by David Zweig and was published on December 3, 2023.
  3. To keep reading the post and get access to full archives, a subscription to Silent Lunch, The David Zweig Newsletter, is required. A 7-day free trial is available.
8 implied HN points β€’ 19 Nov 23
  1. Musk's involvement in nuclear
  2. Data on Palestinian support for attacks
  3. Portland kids out of school for November
5 implied HN points β€’ 10 Sep 23
  1. The post includes a roundup of important topics like a court ruling, a debate on Hunter Biden, and a paper about vaccine hesitancy.
  2. The author, David Zweig, shares insights on various subjects in his newsletter.
  3. Readers can get a 7-day free trial to access more content on Silent Lunch, The David Zweig Newsletter.
8 implied HN points β€’ 25 Jan 22
  1. Silent Lunch is a platform for investigative reporting on various topics like science, technology, children, schools, psychology, and media.
  2. The author, David Zweig, has contributed pieces to publications such as The New York Times, Wired, The Atlantic, among others.
  3. His work covers a wide range of topics including the Covid-19 pandemic, children's health, school policies, and vaccine messaging.