The hottest Experts Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Science Topics
Experimental History 20553 implied HN points 31 Jan 24
  1. Randomized-controlled trials are a relatively recent method in the history of scientific evidence.
  2. Challenging old beliefs, such as trust in ancient gods like Zeus, can lead to important scientific advancements.
  3. There is a need for more transparency and accessibility in expert knowledge to earn public trust in institutions and experts.
The DisInformation Chronicle 795 implied HN points 06 Feb 24
  1. CDC is upset with their own expert advisors for not recommending masks and demands they change their advice
  2. Research shows that N95 respirators don't offer better protection than masks for COVID
  3. CDC's mask recommendations are influenced by political factors and do not align with research findings
David Friedman’s Substack 341 implied HN points 13 Feb 24
  1. Consider forming opinions on controversial issues based on evaluating arguments rather than just trusting the experts
  2. Experts may not always have expertise in all aspects of an issue, so it's important to critically evaluate their arguments and not just rely on their authority
  3. It's crucial to judge both arguments and arguers, as bias and incentives can influence the opinions of experts in controversial topics
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Samstack 1422 implied HN points 13 Sep 23
  1. Experts may not be as reliable as we think, with evidence showing they often fare poorly compared to ordinary individuals in making predictions.
  2. There's a growing concern about fraud and publication bias in scientific journals, undermining the credibility of experts' work.
  3. While skepticism towards expertise is warranted, there are strategies for the average person to evaluate research validity and experts can still provide valuable insights.
Bet On It 85 implied HN points 27 Feb 24
  1. Conforming to majority intellectual trends on certain issues may be a strategic choice to avoid unnecessary conflicts.
  2. While adhering to certain traditions may hold valuable wisdom, being open to questioning and evolving traditions is important.
  3. Balancing deference to experts with critical thinking is crucial, especially in situations where expert views are likely to be reliable.
Good Reason 284 implied HN points 14 Nov 23
  1. Experts can be wrong and have been wrong throughout history, like medieval doctors with bloodletting.
  2. Expert communities often become echo chambers, reinforcing shared beliefs and resisting change.
  3. Challenging experts and subjecting beliefs to testing, even within scientific-minded groups, is important to avoid falling into the trap of groupthink.
Daniel Pinchbeck’s Newsletter 11 implied HN points 12 Mar 24
  1. Population growth is limited by the amount of available food, especially due to the massive inputs of fossil fuels required by the industrial farming system.
  2. Many people struggle to fully comprehend the likelihood of the collapse of our technologically advanced civilization and are unprepared for it.
  3. It is a common belief that there are secret groups of experts controlling the world, but the reality is more uncertain and complex, with no one truly having all the answers.
The Walters File 0 implied HN points 23 Sep 23
  1. Thomas Malthus' failed predictions about population collapse due to lack of food production highlight the importance of human ingenuity and adaptation.
  2. Historical panics like Y2K and overpopulation have turned out to be false alarms, raising skepticism about modern fears of AI extinction risk.
  3. AI concerns should consider real-world evidence of harm as AI capabilities grow, the skepticism surrounding expert predictions, and the existing safeguards and regulations in place.