Recruiting Brainfood

Recruiting Brainfood is a weekly newsletter curated for recruiters and HR professionals, focusing on non-mainstream content. It covers emerging trends in recruiting, the impact of AI and technology, candidate experience, diversity and inclusion, and strategic insights into talent management, while fostering a community for knowledge sharing.

Recruitment Strategies Artificial Intelligence in Recruitment Candidate Experience Diversity and Inclusion Talent Management Technology and Automation in HR Employer Branding Networking and Community Building Remote Work and Its Impacts Economic and Societal Trends

Top posts of the year

And their main takeaways
589 implied HN points 21 May 23
  1. Candidate experience is crucial for winning top talent in 2023, focusing on pillars like transparency, reciprocity, and unity.
  2. The WEF Future of Jobs report highlights regional variances in employment and the decline in real wages, impacting recruitment strategies.
  3. AI is transforming recruitment processes, from Google AI Search changing internet dynamics to AI assisting in automating hiring processes and message composition.
Get a weekly roundup of the best Substack posts, by hacker news affinity:
471 implied HN points 25 Jun 23
  1. Earn top talent's trust by focusing on transparency and fairness in candidate experience.
  2. Check out reports that offer insights on HR operating models and talent intelligence in recruiting.
  3. Consider the impact of digital nomadism trends and AI anxiety on creative professionals.
373 implied HN points 11 Feb 24
  1. The issue covers insights on the best universities for Artificial Intelligence, challenges faced by LinkedIn, and the importance of body fat percentages in the US Navy Seals.
  2. BrightHire Plan is highlighted as an innovative AI copilot for end-to-end interview planning, offering time-saving and inclusive job planning features.
  3. Various societal and economic topics are discussed, such as the impact of Generative AI, remote working, the economics of fertility, and the interpretation of the US's booming economy.