Upon Reflection

For leaders seeking continuous personal and professional development. This thoughtfully curated newsletter serves as a valuable resource hub, delivering a selection of content designed to accelerate growth.

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And their main takeaways
39 implied HN points 16 Jan 24
  1. Emotions are valuable tools at work, providing crucial information for navigating challenges and fostering connections with others
  2. Managing emotions is essential as they can be disruptive and drain valuable time and energy that could be used for productivity or self-care
  3. Practicing emotional awareness, moving from subjective to objective observation, creating space for growth, and supporting team members are key strategies for emotional intelligence in the workplace
19 implied HN points 14 Feb 24
  1. Many people operate from a place of fear, but leaders should practice believing in themselves, their team, and their company for positive outcomes.
  2. Leaders need to embrace the mindset that challenges are opportunities for growth and success, not insurmountable obstacles.
  3. Acknowledging your ego, facing the truth even if it's uncomfortable, and falling in love with difficult tasks are key actions for leaders to evolve and improve their organizations.
39 implied HN points 02 Jan 24
  1. This space focuses on topics like personal and professional growth, executing strategy, evolving company culture, and building high-performing teams relevant to modern-day leaders.
  2. The platform is intended for those pursuing meaningful work, leading authentically, feeling stuck, or first-time leaders looking for a fresh approach.
  3. Subscribing offers insights gathered from numerous sources like books, coaching clients, and case studies to equip leaders with tools and mindsets for effective leadership.
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2 HN points 08 Mar 24
  1. Generation Z challenges stereotypes and is reshaping corporate culture by offering fresh perspectives and sparking a shift in how we work.
  2. The corporate world faces the unique challenge of blending the work ethics and expectations of multiple generations, leading to both enrichment and tension.
  3. Organizations must embrace change, listen to diverse perspectives including Gen Z's, and foster a culture of innovation and continuous evolution to thrive in the evolving corporate landscape.