The hottest Healthy Eating Substack posts right now

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The Soup 3085 implied HN points 10 Feb 24
  1. The author shares favorite recipes and mentions the challenges of cooking for family members with diverse tastes, highlighting the joy of cooking for loved ones despite differing preferences
  2. The post discusses the author's strong connection with their son and how he shows gratitude for the meals prepared, showcasing the special bond through shared meals despite individual food preferences
  3. The author talks about the different roles of food and how the act of cooking links them to absent loved ones, emphasizing the emotional connection food holds in their life
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a newsletter 2771 implied HN points 05 Sep 23
  1. The author is taking a break from cooking this week except for making a really nice fish dish.
  2. Cook the fish in low and slow with olive oil to get a tender and perfect texture.
  3. The fish pairs well with a punchy cucumber salad and the olive oil used to cook the fish can be reused for other dishes.
Experimental Fat Loss 106 implied HN points 18 Mar 24
  1. Decision-making dilemma: stick to what works or explore new options. It's tricky to find the balance.
  2. Balancing exploitation and exploration in weight loss experiments is key to progress. Trying new things can build confidence, but sticking to what's known to work is crucial for consistent results.
  3. It's important to evaluate the success of experiments and prioritize proven methods. Understanding mechanisms behind weight loss can lead to more effective strategies.
Are You Okay? 2236 implied HN points 10 Jul 23
  1. Protein is crucial for our body's functioning - for fullness, energy, weight management, muscle mass, and more. Aim for 0.7 to 1.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily.
  2. A healthy diet is sustainable and includes protein sources like chicken, fish, eggs, yogurt, lentils, and more to fulfill metabolic needs.
  3. Prioritize meeting basic biological needs first, like hunger cues and metabolic requirements, before focusing solely on vegetables or restrictive diets.
The Heart Attack Diet 159 implied HN points 28 Jan 24
  1. Cooking potatoes in a fire can be nostalgic and delicious, but be cautious of carbonizing the skins which can make them somewhat inedible
  2. Potato skins contain solanine, a natural pesticide, which in large amounts can be harmful or even fatal
  3. Traditional advice to peel potatoes before cooking might have some merit, as skin contains the majority of solanine, a toxic substance
The Heart Attack Diet 99 implied HN points 10 Feb 24
  1. Body weight can fluctuate despite efforts to maintain it, impacting the perceived trends.
  2. There is a balance between temporary events like dieting, exercising, overeating, and undereating that can affect the body's equilibrium level of fat reserves.
  3. It's important to gather more data and not jump to conclusions when unexpected changes occur in body weight.
A Small and Simple Thing 550 implied HN points 26 Sep 23
  1. The recipe for Banana Swirl is a healthful banana ice cream with no dairy and no sugar.
  2. To make Banana Swirl, freeze bananas, chop them, blend with cinnamon, peanut butter, vanilla extract, and a bit of water.
  3. Banana Swirl is a delicious and vegan dessert that can be served in small pewter mugs.
A Small and Simple Thing 412 implied HN points 09 Oct 23
  1. Breakfast in the author's house is about ease and consistency, with weekdays requiring little effort for meals due to morning routines.
  2. The author goes through years-long periods of eating the same breakfast, showcasing a devotion to routine and simplicity.
  3. The author and their family have been enjoying overnight oats, referred to as 'O'Nites,' with recent modifications bringing excitement to their breakfast routine.
Austin's Analects 19 implied HN points 07 Mar 24
  1. Having a specific date on the calendar for a goal increases the likelihood of actually achieving it.
  2. Most of the food Americans eat is produced by big corporations, which can be harmful. Support local food sources and communities for better health.
  3. When taking advice, prioritize personal stories and insights from people you admire or aspire to be like over generic advice.
Prime Cuts Newsletter 216 implied HN points 25 May 23
  1. Popular weight loss approaches may not be sustainable, leading to the YoYo Effect.
  2. The NoYo Protocol offers a blueprint for sustainable weight loss without the YoYo cycle.
  3. The protocol includes specific behaviors like eating high protein and fats, avoiding calorie restrictions, intermittent fasting, and focusing on the psychology of creating a lean self-concept.
Restoring Truth 196 implied HN points 20 Apr 23
  1. The Dekalb Farmer's Market offers a unique, diverse, and authentic shopping experience with quality food items from various cultures.
  2. The market's employees, from different backgrounds, contribute to its rich and vibrant atmosphere.
  3. The experience of shopping at the Dekalb Farmer's Market creates lasting memories and a deep appreciation for good food.
Are You Okay? 1 HN point 08 Apr 24
  1. Cooking for your family can be overwhelming, but with a proper plan in place, you can reduce the chaos and stress around meal preparation.
  2. Simplify your shopping by planning your meals in advance, utilizing local markets for fresh produce, and being flexible with your grocery choices.
  3. Engage your family in the cooking process, reuse ingredients for multiple meals throughout the week, and prioritize family dinner time as a moment to connect and enjoy each other's company.
Akash Chinnaiah 9 implied HN points 17 Jan 24
  1. Have a strong purpose for working out to stay motivated. It can be for better appearance, strength, or mental health. Explore different purposes and find what works for you.
  2. Gradual conditioning is key when forming a new habit like working out. Start small, show up regularly, and increase intensity gradually to build a sustainable routine.
  3. Focus on the process of working out and don't obsess over immediate results. Muscle growth and progress take time. Avoid comparing your progress with others on social media.
I'm Like You (but with a newsletter) 78 implied HN points 05 Apr 23
  1. It's difficult to completely cut out delicious food from our diet, but being mindful of intake is important.
  2. Striking a balance between enjoying delicious food and maintaining a healthy diet can be a continuous challenge.
  3. Reflecting on how we feel after indulging in delicious food can help in moderating intake.
The Heart Attack Diet 19 implied HN points 02 Sep 23
  1. Weight can be maintained consistently over time with a well-functioning homeostat, regardless of lifestyle or diet changes.
  2. Consistent physical activity and high calorie consumption did not impact the author's weight due to their stable homeostat.
  3. Even drastic changes like cycling across a country and significant weight loss were corrected quickly by the homeostat to maintain a stable weight.
The Heart Attack Diet 19 implied HN points 26 Aug 23
  1. Weight loss advice given to US Army servicemen often focuses on eating less and exercising more, which may not be a sustainable long-term solution.
  2. Short-term weight loss results can be achieved by simply focusing on calorie intake and expenditure.
  3. Starving oneself to lose weight may not lead to long-term health improvements and can result in cyclical weight gain.
The Heart Attack Diet 19 implied HN points 08 Aug 23
  1. The writer reflects on their weight history over several periods of their life and discusses the concept of set-point/lipostat-type theories of obesity.
  2. Weight measurements can vary based on the scales used and personal weight fluctuation experiences, such as after periods of physical activity or dietary changes.
  3. The importance of historical weight data and the impact of muscle mass on weight, as illustrated through the writer's experience in rowing and the changing perceptions of weight within the sport.
Harmony 0 implied HN points 02 May 23
  1. Applying product analytics to food choices can help make data-driven decisions about diet and nutrition.
  2. Understanding carbohydrate types like starch, sugar, and fiber is important for making informed food choices.
  3. Considering factors like glycemic index, glycemic load, expense, and macronutrient distribution can guide optimal carbohydrate sources for a diet.
Austin's Analects 0 implied HN points 28 Apr 23
  1. Avoid highly processed fast food when traveling for business to stay healthy and sharp.
  2. Japanese cuisine, with its focus on rice and fish, is a good option. Opt for sashimi and white rice, and skip fried or sugary dishes.
  3. Mexican and Peruvian cuisines offer protein-rich options like chicken, steak, and fish. Be mindful of avoiding fried items made with seed oils.
Harmony 0 implied HN points 09 May 23
  1. There are specific metrics to consider when ranking carbohydrate-rich foods, such as glycemic index, percentage of carbohydrate calories from fiber and starch, and price
  2. Glycemic Index is a key factor in ranking carbohydrates, simplifying the process compared to using compound metrics
  3. Combining GI and price can be a straightforward way to rank carbohydrates effectively
Snaxshot 11 likes 13 Mar 24
  1. Sophia Cheng has had a diverse career path, starting from studying journalism to working in finance and consulting before pursuing her plant-based jelly product, Oddball.
  2. The inspiration behind Oddball comes from Sophia's Asian upbringing, highlighting the importance of texture in Asian foods and the balance and moderation in the Asian diet.
  3. The journey of building Oddball has been challenging, especially in terms of fundraising, but Sophia emphasizes the importance of simplicity in product creation and the values of embracing healthier snacking choices.