The hottest Cultural Commentary Substack posts right now

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The Melt by Jason Diamond 412 implied HN points 02 May 23
  1. The Jewish x Italian Handshake is not a formal agreement but a natural evolution in casting over time.
  2. The concept allows for actors of one heritage to convincingly play characters of another heritage.
  3. Closeness between Jewish and Italian communities in America has influenced cultural exchanges, such as in casting choices.
Oliver Bateman Does the Work 98 implied HN points 09 Nov 23
  1. Shows like 'The Simpsons' and 'Saturday Night Live' have become ingrained in American pop culture but need to evolve to stay relevant.
  2. Even long-running shows like 'The Simpsons' can adapt to modern societal expectations and remain fresh and engaging.
  3. Paid subscriptions to content creators like Oliver Bateman support critical discourse and thoughtful analysis of various topics.
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Do Not Research 39 implied HN points 30 Nov 23
  1. Many people are turning to the online world for answers due to an uncertain future, leading to the emergence of fringe political identities and online communities that can potentially escalate into radicalization.
  2. The Netherlands has witnessed a rise in fringe political identities, influenced by the mishandling of a global pandemic, which has highlighted the deep-rooted connection between online culture and the broader societal psyche.
  3. The project _pol/der (vriens)_ explores how conspiracy theories can become collective myths, shaping culture and politics by materializing online imagery into tangible representations.
Do Not Research 0 implied HN points 15 Feb 22
  1. Heavenly thinking, focused on utopian goals, influences both religious beliefs and modern technological advancements.
  2. The concept of Heaven is portrayed as a virtual space, always just beyond reach but never truly attainable in the present.
  3. The project WHOLEEARTHBELOWME explores contemporary examples of Heavenly thinking through a sound piece that includes AI voices and meditational sounds.