The hottest Ancient Wisdom Substack posts right now

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Classical Wisdom β€’ 2555 implied HN points β€’ 29 May 23
  1. Listening well is an important skill in any interaction, whether with family, friends, or strangers.
  2. Plutarch highlighted the different types of listeners, including selective listeners, disapproving listeners, and over-confident listeners.
  3. Plutarch emphasized that learning is a collaborative process between the speaker and the listener, requiring active participation and critical thinking from both parties.
Figs in Winter: New Stoicism and beyond β€’ 530 implied HN points β€’ 19 Jan 24
  1. Ancient wisdom from farming communities can offer valuable insights on life and work.
  2. Hesiod contrasts the benefits of cultivating land with the destructiveness of war, highlighting the value of peaceful, agricultural pursuits.
  3. Considering a return to nature-based lifestyles, even for city dwellers, can offer a sense of renewal and connection to the earth.
Trickle-Down Wellness β€’ 334 implied HN points β€’ 27 Feb 23
  1. We often idealize a past that never truly existed, from nostalgic eras to ancient times and perfect ideals.
  2. The obsession with rejecting modernity in favor of an imagined better past can lead to harmful narratives, whether in skincare products or health ideologies.
  3. Embracing impermanence, contentment, and right action can help us confront the present and create a better future, rather than chasing unattainable perfection in the past.
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Weekly Wisdom β€’ 119 implied HN points β€’ 04 May 23
  1. Human existence is marked by a balance between living for the moment and planning for an uncertain future.
  2. The pursuit of material wealth and fame may lose appeal in the face of mortality, leading to a focus on benefiting others.
  3. A key aspect of human life is the quest to cultivate wisdom, virtue, and excellence, striving towards understanding what it means to be a good human being.
Journal of Gurdjieff Studies β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 22 Mar 24
  1. Understanding the system of teaching involves connecting all its parts and understanding the whole. Every detail of the system is interconnected, requiring real and relative knowledge.
  2. The teachings of self-justification, inner work, and awakening are not new but have roots in ancient ideas. By grasping the deep meaning, one gains emotional force and understanding.
  3. There are two types of influences in life, A and B. A influences stem from worldly matters, while B influences come from spiritual teachings. Recognizing and working with B influences is crucial for inner transformation.
The Pamplet β€’ 30 implied HN points β€’ 29 Feb 24
  1. Engaging with text in interactive ways can lead to significant improvement in skills and creativity, transcending just passive reading.
  2. Historically, various cultures placed importance on the heart's role in cognition and emotions, indicating a deep interconnection between heart and brain.
  3. Listening to the subtle impulses of the heart, following them confidently, can lead to originality, satisfaction, and a sense of quiet joy.
Wayne's Earth β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 11 Dec 22
  1. Ecclesiastes and Stoicism share values of moderation and simplicity, emphasizing fulfillment from nature, self-improvement, and personal responsibility.
  2. Both Ecclesiastes and Stoicism teach us to prioritize what truly matters like family, friends, meaningful work, and to focus on what is within our control.
  3. Embracing life's impermanence is a key lesson from Ecclesiastes and Stoicism, encouraging us to live fearlessly in the present without clinging to the past or worrying about the future.
the rohn report β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 24 Aug 20
  1. Africa's land area is nearly 4 times the size of the United States' continental landmass, and it's been inhabited for much longer than the Americas.
  2. Despite challenges like colonization and civil wars, Africa holds immense potential and ancient wisdom that the world needs.
  3. The lifestyle and wisdom of ancient African tribes like the Bushmen, who still live close to nature in the Kalahari desert, offer valuable insights into a different way of living that we've largely forgotten.