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Figs in Winter: New Stoicism and beyond 530 implied HN points 19 Jan 24
  1. Ancient wisdom from farming communities can offer valuable insights on life and work.
  2. Hesiod contrasts the benefits of cultivating land with the destructiveness of war, highlighting the value of peaceful, agricultural pursuits.
  3. Considering a return to nature-based lifestyles, even for city dwellers, can offer a sense of renewal and connection to the earth.
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Extropic Thoughts 176 implied HN points 11 Oct 23
  1. Transhumanism is a philosophy that embraces transformative technologies for improving the human condition.
  2. Critics of transhumanism have shifted from questioning its feasibility to pondering how to control its impact.
  3. Transhumanism values continual improvement and critical rationalism, and seeks to shape better futures through science and technology.
Boundless by Paul Millerd 283 implied HN points 03 Jun 23
  1. Some people are not working much at their jobs but are still considered high performers.
  2. Remote work has given people the opportunity to prioritize rest and other activities over traditional work structures.
  3. Good work that is fulfilling and meaningful is important to find, even if it means deviating from the traditional 9-5 work model.
Strategy Notes 78 implied HN points 21 Mar 23
  1. Pain is provided, pleasure is permitted - More hardship than fun by default.
  2. It's about the balance of good and bad things - Prepare mentally for both.
  3. Good things happen too - It's about the relationship between good and bad.
The Leftovers 79 implied HN points 20 Oct 22
  1. The post discusses the idea that you aren't special, challenging the belief in the 'Law of Attraction' that promotes positivity and the universe providing success.
  2. It mentions a film called 'The Secret' that has gained popularity for promoting the idea that to achieve something in life, you just have to know what you want and believe in the outcome.
  3. The post invites readers to keep reading by subscribing to The Leftovers for a 7-day free trial.
Wayne's Earth 0 implied HN points 11 Oct 23
  1. Stoicism is a way of life originating from ancient Greece that teaches us to embrace challenges and focus on what we can control.
  2. In today's world filled with distractions, Stoicism serves as a compass guiding us toward contentment, resilience, and rationality.
  3. Key Stoic principles include understanding the dichotomy of control, valuing virtue over worldly pleasures, and embracing challenges as opportunities for growth.