The hottest Listening Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Health & Wellness Topics
Dada Drummer Almanach β€’ 264 implied HN points β€’ 13 Feb 24
  1. Musicians need to adapt to different performance spaces and adjust their habits accordingly, even if they were formed early in their careers.
  2. Performers should listen to the space they're in and consider how their music is being experienced by the audience, especially in various venue settings.
  3. Music is not just about playing notes; it's about creating relationships and connections with the audience and other musicians through listening and gestures.
Classical Wisdom β€’ 2555 implied HN points β€’ 29 May 23
  1. Listening well is an important skill in any interaction, whether with family, friends, or strangers.
  2. Plutarch highlighted the different types of listeners, including selective listeners, disapproving listeners, and over-confident listeners.
  3. Plutarch emphasized that learning is a collaborative process between the speaker and the listener, requiring active participation and critical thinking from both parties.
Poczwardowski Notes β€’ 59 implied HN points β€’ 16 Feb 24
  1. Listening is about giving attention, not just hearing. Being present is crucial to improving listening skills.
  2. Let go of the urge to interrupt when thoughts pop up during a conversation. Instead, focus on truly listening before responding.
  3. The art of listening involves making others feel heard. Aim for positive listening experiences in your interactions.
L'Atelier Galita β€’ 275 implied HN points β€’ 10 Apr 23
  1. When someone is sad, it's important to show care and concern, not just trying to make them feel better.
  2. Understanding and listening without judgment are key actions to support someone struggling emotionally.
  3. Ask the person what they need instead of assuming, as it shows genuine care and provides guidance on how to help.
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Path Nine β€’ 37 implied HN points β€’ 03 Dec 23
  1. Don't take life too seriously, indulge in what you love like Charlie Munger enjoyed candy.
  2. Explore the Cognitive Bias Codex for a roadmap to understanding how we think, live, and work.
  3. Check out reading material like 'Seeking Wisdom' or 'Poor Charlie's Almanack' to enhance decision-making skills and become a better thinker.
Innovation Nation β€’ 78 implied HN points β€’ 15 Aug 23
  1. Music has a powerful impact on emotions and can bring immense joy and depth to life.
  2. Audiophiles are passionate about high-quality sound systems and equipment to fully immerse themselves in music.
  3. Upgrading to better quality equipment can drastically enhance the music listening experience, redefining how one perceives and enjoys music.
Life Coaching Curriculum & Soft Skills for Leadership β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 11 Jan 24
  1. Understanding the role of hormones like oxytocin, dopamine, serotonin, and cortisol in conversations helps us comprehend how these chemicals shape our interactions and emotional responses.
  2. Recognizing the profound influence of oxytocin on empathy and trust in conversations enlightens us on how this hormone enhances connections and understanding.
  3. Engaging in empathetic listening, promoting oxytocin release, and creating positive communication environments can lead to lasting happiness and stronger relationships.
Granted β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 01 Feb 20
  1. Good listening involves more than just talking less; it includes asking questions and showing genuine interest in others.
  2. Avoid using words on PowerPoint slides and saying them out loud to enhance learning and avoid cognitive overload.
  3. Success should not be measured solely by career achievements but also by the impact we have on others' lives and the relationships we cultivate.