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The False Consensus Effect 39 implied HN points 24 Dec 23
  1. The author shares fictional Christmas card messages and stories, reflecting on past memories and personal experiences.
  2. The author delves into genealogy and discusses the Scottish Earls, emphasizing the complexity and potential of family histories.
  3. The author shares a detailed, introspective piece on self-reflection, writing, and the pursuit of creativity despite challenges and societal norms.
Black Music and Black Muses 98 implied HN points 11 Sep 23
  1. The author explores the concept of the Black Backstage in their upcoming series and exhibition.
  2. The author reflects on growing up in the music industry, surrounded by influential figures like Willie Hutch and Charlie Murphy.
  3. The author contemplates their need to create original music and the impact it has had on their life.
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Genre Grapevine 39 implied HN points 17 Dec 23
  1. The article covers news and items from 2023 that were left out of previous columns, providing a quirky collection of interesting tidbits.
  2. There are various topics discussed, ranging from the success of STEM romance novels to the impact of YouTube on book discovery.
  3. Some highlights include insights on literary hope theory, a debunked art piece, and the role of science in countering moral panics.
Journal of Gurdjieff Studies 19 implied HN points 02 Feb 24
  1. The post is about 'Sugar and Monsieur Bonbon' on a specific date. It seems to require a paid subscription to view in full
  2. There are related posts like 'Candy in Damascus' and 'Starch Gives Everything' by different authors, but 'Sugar and Monsieur Bonbon' seems to be behind a paywall
  3. To access the full story about 'Sugar and Monsieur Bonbon,' it appears that one must subscribe to the platform or be a paid member
Bird History 59 implied HN points 25 Oct 23
  1. Mockingbirds have been historically admired for their exceptional singing abilities and have been common in American literature and culture.
  2. The practice of capturing mockingbirds and keeping them in cages was prevalent in the past, especially in the South, highlighting a complex relationship between humans and these birds.
  3. The symbolism of mockingbirds as innocent and pure creatures, as well as their protected status, led to their conservation and expansion into new habitats, promoting the importance of wildlife preservation.
The False Consensus Effect 78 implied HN points 10 Sep 23
  1. Art professors are often not considered true artists by the Stuckism Manifesto, emphasizing the distinction between being an artist and working in academia.
  2. The text critiques the financial rewards and status associated with grants and professorships in the creative field, challenging the conventional understanding of 'genius'.
  3. There is a call for reform in the art education system to prioritize individual creativity and community benefit over financial gain and academic bureaucracy.
Banana Peel Pirouette 138 implied HN points 07 Jun 23
  1. Marshall McLuhan's concept of 'the medium is the message' emphasizes that the format of media is more important than the content.
  2. McLuhan discusses the process of 'outering' and 'interiorization' of technology, where tools become externalized human capacities and then integrated into everyday life.
  3. The current digital culture is shaping human interactions and identity by blurring the line between technology and humanity, ultimately leading to a potential future where humanity and technology merge.
Litverse 239 implied HN points 16 Nov 22
  1. Regret is a part of life that teaches us lessons and keeps us grounded in humanity.
  2. Nostalgia, while holding good memories, can also bring pain and a yearning for the past.
  3. Learning to navigate and express regret can lead to self-discovery and growth, showing that embracing one's past can be a path to wisdom.
quite useless 117 implied HN points 13 Jun 23
  1. The post shares an excerpt from Julia Fine's novel, Maddalena and the Dark.
  2. The excerpt delves into the dynamics and complexities of relationships among young girls in a historical setting.
  3. The author creates a vivid backdrop of Venice and the Ospedale della Pietà, painting a rich picture of the characters' lives.
Banana Peel Pirouette 79 implied HN points 31 May 23
  1. The post discusses the concept of the internet today losing sight of its original purpose, being centralized, and driven by profit rather than fun or creativity.
  2. It compares the current state of the internet to a chaotic, uncontrollable space where compulsive engagement is promoted for its own sake, leading to negative impacts on culture, community, and conversation.
  3. The change in the internet over the past twenty years has made residency in the digital world almost compulsory, especially for younger generations, impacting social interactions and personal well-being.
Extropic Thoughts 58 implied HN points 07 May 23
  1. Humans are composed of mechanical parts, but that doesn't mean we are only machines.
  2. Technology can help us increase human freedom through advanced tools like genetic engineering and brain implants.
  3. Understanding our mechanistic origins can lead to self-improvement and increased self-definition, moving us towards a posthuman condition of self-creation.
of Constructions and Abstractions 1 HN point 11 Apr 24
  1. Individuals start in a state of fear, valuing personal space and reacting strongly if it's breached.
  2. When personal space boundaries are pushed to an extreme, it can lead to chaos and struggle among individuals.
  3. Transitioning to becoming part of a crowd involves moving from fear to unity towards a common goal.
The Classical Futurist 48 implied HN points 03 Mar 23
  1. Non-Western philosophy, like Aztec philosophy, should be considered for inclusion in the canon.
  2. Aztec philosophy focused on the concept of rootedness and living a virtuous life in a constantly changing world.
  3. The study of Aztec philosophy challenges traditional Western views on what constitutes philosophy and raises questions about cultural biases in defining classical traditions.
Ink-uilab 39 implied HN points 28 Feb 23
  1. The post discusses the historical significance of the Second Round Table Conferences in the 1930s for India's struggle for freedom.
  2. Emery Kelen's satirical caricatures captured the essence of the Indian Round Table Conferences during that era.
  3. Sir Mohd. Iqbal's perspectives on the 'Modern Man' presented at the conference are highlighted through poetry.
Latest Curiosities 1 HN point 25 Mar 24
  1. The mind uses representations to show us our innermost desires, like a desire for freedom or simplicity.
  2. The music we listen to and the things we surround ourselves with represent our deepest desires and can guide us in understanding ourselves better.
  3. Exploring our own representations, such as music preferences, can help us uncover obscured desires and potentially lead us to new paths in our lives.
CB 239 implied HN points 07 Jan 21
  1. The post discusses sed in suscipit nunc and includes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  2. It mentions Nam hendrerit nisl nec malesuada vulputate, showcasing various types of content.
  3. The post also discusses Aliquam interdum ut dolor ut mattis and Morbi maximus fermentum ultricies, providing insight on different topics.
Humanities in Revolt 119 implied HN points 28 Jan 22
  1. The humanities are essential during times of crisis, providing vital resources and insights to navigate challenges and understand the human condition.
  2. Humanities in Revolt seeks to bring the study of philosophy, literature, arts, and history out of academia and into everyday life to explore human values and existence.
  3. The newsletter focuses on the ethical primacy of humanity over material possessions, promoting creativity, courage, and the activation of our fullest human potential.
Dr. Pippa's Pen & Podcast 12 implied HN points 04 Mar 23
  1. The concept of Pippa Passes as a poetic and storytelling endeavor to help people understand the world better.
  2. The importance of narrative in economics and storytelling over numbers.
  3. The collaboration between F1 engineers and Fighter Jet teams to build extraordinary things.
Tigerfeathers! 3 implied HN points 01 Nov 23
  1. Hari's brother Prakash became an online sensation with over a million subscribers by showcasing the city and everyday life on his YouTube channel.
  2. Prakash left his YouTube channel credentials to Hari before passing away, leaving him with the responsibility of deciding the fate of his brother's digital legacy.
  3. Hari is faced with the dilemma of whether to continue Prakash's online presence to honor his memory or to let it fade away, highlighting the complexities of dealing with a loved one's digital inheritance.