The hottest Cognitive abilities Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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kareem β€’ 7350 implied HN points β€’ 19 May 23
  1. Living in the Red Zone brings uncertainty about the future, but focusing on daily joys is key.
  2. New study shows that being a billionaire doesn't equate to higher intelligence compared to lower-paid individuals.
  3. Loneliness is highlighted as being as dangerous as smoking, emphasizing the importance of social connections for health.
Maximum Truth β€’ 118 implied HN points β€’ 27 Feb 24
  1. Top AIs still struggle with IQ tests, showing limitations in understanding logic and spatial patterns.
  2. AI's strength lies in database knowledge and pattern matching rather than general intelligence.
  3. Current AIs, like ChatGPT-4, perform only slightly better than random guessers on IQ tests, indicating a lack of generalized intelligence.
UX Psychology β€’ 238 implied HN points β€’ 08 Dec 23
  1. First impressions are crucial in UX and can influence user engagement throughout their interaction with an interface.
  2. Traditional 'five-second tests' in UX may not account for variations in users' cognitive abilities and the complexity of visual designs.
  3. To enhance UX design, consider customizing testing based on cognitive abilities, evaluating visual complexity, and rethinking the standard 'five-second rule.'
sebjenseb β€’ 196 implied HN points β€’ 16 Jun 23
  1. The post shares various sources for iceberg memes related to race and intelligence.
  2. The sources include information on IQ, brain size, income, and other factors related to race.
  3. There are discussions on IQ testing, heritability of IQ, and the relationship between IQ and various aspects like honesty and job performance.
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sebjenseb β€’ 137 implied HN points β€’ 19 Jun 23
  1. Joseph Bronski suggests that a large percentage of the population lacks political agency due to intelligence deficiencies.
  2. IQ and SAT scores have a strong correlation, but not a perfect one.
  3. There isn't a specific 'minimum IQ' needed for political agency, as it varies based on cognitive abilities related to political engagement.
10x your mind β€’ 119 implied HN points β€’ 01 Sep 22
  1. Scientists are researching ways to delay mental aging by stopping the brain's self-destructive repair mechanism, promoting the growth of new neurons, and restoring lost neurons by injecting new cells.
  2. Growing smarter with age is possible, with cognitive abilities like orientation and focus improving with practice until the mid-to-late 70s.
  3. Engaging in regular aerobic activities, such as running or HIIT workouts, can delay mental aging and improve brain health by releasing growth factors that stimulate the growth of new brain cells.