The hottest Conservation Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Science Topics
Everything is Light 157 implied HN points 10 Jul 23
  1. Some conservation groups oppose new nuclear power plants despite thriving wildlife around existing plants
  2. Building more nuclear power plants displaces fossil fuels, saves lives, and helps fight climate change
  3. Local support for nuclear power plants like Sizewell C is high due to job opportunities and clean energy benefits
Bird History 59 implied HN points 14 Nov 23
  1. During the Silent Film Era, the Audubon Society and other conservation-minded individuals created films to entertain, educate, and promote bird conservation through dramas and documentaries.
  2. Filmmaking played a crucial role in promoting bird protection and educating the public during the early 1900s, with nature documentaries and dramas used for classrooms, lectures, and theaters.
  3. The film 'The Spirit of Audubon' showcases how Audubon societies embraced movies to spread bird knowledge, showcasing a shift towards using films as an educational tool to engage the public and especially children.
The ZIPster 26 implied HN points 19 Jan 24
  1. Brazil's former president Bolsonaro has created a negative impact but has since left, possibly allowing for positive changes in the country.
  2. Positive initiatives around the world include electric car adoption in Norway, book bans in Texas countered by a banned book section in El Paso libraries, and reforestation through drone technology in Canadian forests.
  3. Various efforts worldwide promote bicycle culture, from creative storage solutions in Amsterdam to bike refurbishing programs in the UK benefiting refugees and prisoners.
Field Guide to the Anthropocene 176 implied HN points 16 Jun 23
  1. To address climate change effectively, we need new, innovative thinking
  2. Carbon dioxide removal and storage technologies like DAC face immense challenges and may not be the most effective solutions
  3. Carbon offsets have limitations and may not be as effective as hoped, requiring more direct action to reduce emissions and protect ecosystems
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Field Guide to the Anthropocene 117 implied HN points 30 Jun 23
  1. Personal, economic, and ecological problems are often presented as solutions with unforeseen negative consequences.
  2. SUVs are becoming an increasing burden on the planet, posing threats to the environment and public safety.
  3. Seafloor mining, especially in the absence of thorough scientific understanding, risks irreversible damage to deep-sea ecosystems and biodiversity.
This Week in Birding 137 implied HN points 20 Feb 23
  1. Biodiversity loss is a significant threat and changing our ways is crucial for restoration.
  2. Landscaping yards with native plants can greatly support bird populations and wildlife.
  3. Engaging urban residents in observing nature can lead to more interest in conservation and restoration efforts.
Technology, Environment, and Art 19 implied HN points 19 Dec 23
  1. Avoid investing in companies contributing to deforestation by researching your retirement funds.
  2. Check if your country has signed the UN High Seas Treaty to protect the oceans and international waters.
  3. Reduce consumption by consuming less and opting for resource-efficient alternatives to cultivate an attitude of respect for the environment.
Technology, Environment, and Art 19 implied HN points 18 Dec 23
  1. Type I changes are superficial changes that may sound good but do little to solve sustainability issues.
  2. Type II changes make a significant positive impact on the environment while still operating within current systems.
  3. Type III changes are radical, revolutionary changes that challenge the status quo and are essential for creating a truly sustainable future.
Field Guide to the Anthropocene 98 implied HN points 10 Mar 23
  1. The documentary 'All That Breathes' highlights the powerful connection between empathy and ethics in caring for wounded birds.
  2. Noticing the suffering of the natural world is a crucial step in understanding our place in the Anthropocene era.
  3. The High Seas Treaty signals a transformative shift by regulating human activity to protect ecosystems in the deep oceans.
Field Guide to the Anthropocene 98 implied HN points 17 Mar 23
  1. The Anthropocene is a period of irreversible ecological disruptions caused by humans, requiring acceptance of losses and a commitment to stabilizing the environment.
  2. In the face of global-scale grief and loss in the Anthropocene, finding small but vital lights of hope is crucial.
  3. Individuals making dedicated efforts to protect and heal ecosystems and species offer paths forward in the challenging Anthropocene era.
Field Guide to the Anthropocene 98 implied HN points 05 May 23
  1. The Green Revolution Requires a Blue-Collar Revelation - Trades jobs are in high demand for the clean energy transition.
  2. If You Go to College, Study the Real World - Encouraging students to study practical skills, even alongside a college degree.
  3. Future Career Advice for Students - Emphasizing the importance of hands-on work and making a meaningful impact on the world.
This Week in Birding 98 implied HN points 06 Mar 23
  1. Shorebirds like sandpipers and plovers are vulnerable due to their small size and need to forage constantly for survival during migration.
  2. Stopover sites for shorebirds, like fluddles, are threatened by human activities like monoculture farming practices.
  3. Efforts are being made to preserve and monitor wetlands like fluddles to provide vital habitats for shorebirds and support their migration journeys.
Bird History 39 implied HN points 13 Sep 23
  1. Birds face significant threats from collisions with buildings, resulting in the death of millions of birds each year.
  2. Historically, various structures such as lighthouses, telegraph wires, and buildings have been responsible for causing bird fatalities, spanning over 200 years.
  3. While skyscrapers and towers have the most dramatic effect on bird fatalities, most birds die from collisions with low-rise buildings and residences, highlighting the need for bird-safe design practices.
This Week in Birding 78 implied HN points 10 Mar 23
  1. A group gathered at Bell Bowl Prairie to mourn its destruction by a bulldozer.
  2. Efforts to stop the destruction were unsuccessful due to legal system failures and lack of political action.
  3. Advocates call for updating endangered species laws and increasing funding for conservation to prevent similar devastation in the future.
the rohn report 59 implied HN points 22 Apr 23
  1. Celebrate Earth Day by committing to protect the planet's diversity and ecosystems, conserving energy and water, and treating all entities as valuable members of the whole.
  2. Acknowledging the beauty of the planet and the importance of reducing our carbon footprint to maintain its beauty for future generations.
  3. Encouraging the preservation of wildlife, forests, oceans, and the connection between all living beings on Earth.
Stemble - for the love of STEM! 19 implied HN points 01 Aug 23
  1. A worm was revived after being frozen for 46,000 years, showing the incredible resilience of life.
  2. Cryptobiosis allows organisms to survive extreme conditions by entering a state of suspended animation.
  3. Studying ancient organisms like the revived worm can offer insights for conservation biology and preserving biodiversity.
Open Source Rock Climbing 19 implied HN points 07 Apr 23
  1. Local Climbing Organizations (LCOs) are crucial for maintaining climbing areas, ensuring safety, sustainability, and community engagement.
  2. LCOs manage access to climbing areas, maintain routes for safety, focus on conservation efforts, and build climbing communities through events.
  3. OpenBeta plans to collaborate with LCOs by increasing their visibility on the platform, allowing them to update their information, and incorporating specific calls to action in the future.
Adetokunbo Sees 1 HN point 17 Feb 24
  1. The shrinking and disappearing lakes around the world are facing danger due to multiple factors like climate change and reduced water levels.
  2. Lakes like the Aral Sea, Lake Chad, and Qinghai Lake are shrinking dramatically, impacting millions of lives and ecosystems that depend on their water.
  3. Efforts to conserve and sustainably manage these lakes involve global collaboration and the balance between development and environmental preservation.
Bird History 1 HN point 25 Jan 24
  1. Conservationists in the early 1900s identified cats as a serious threat to bird populations, sparking a heated debate with cat-lovers accusing bird-lovers of hysteria.
  2. Outdoor cats were seen as harmful to bird populations, particularly during nesting seasons, with young birds being easy prey, leading to significant declines in bird populations.
  3. Efforts were made to find humane solutions to protect birds from cats, including restraining cats at night, using bells on cat collars, and advocating for laws requiring cat licenses to reduce the feral cat population.
Adetokunbo Sees 3 HN points 14 Oct 23
  1. Human activities such as building collisions threaten bird populations.
  2. Global bird population decline can lead to ecosystem imbalances and excess human mortality.
  3. Adopting bird-friendly buildings, reducing habitat destruction, and curbing greenhouse gas emissions can help protect birds and prevent negative impacts on humans.
Save Our Happy Place 6 implied HN points 18 Apr 23
  1. Reflect on your relationship with Mother Nature this Earth Day to find inspiration and rejuvenation.
  2. Celebrate the beauty and biodiversity of Earth by connecting with nature and viewing it as a living entity.
  3. Take time to journal and reflect on your climate journey, finding ways to integrate more personal and civic climate actions into your life.
Save Our Happy Place 4 implied HN points 02 May 23
  1. Maintaining and restoring biodiversity is crucial for fighting climate change.
  2. Key causes of biodiversity loss include climate change, pollution, habitat destruction, and overexploitation.
  3. Individual actions to help biodiversity include mindful consumption, investing in biodiversity projects, and reducing waste.
the rohn report 19 implied HN points 27 Jan 21
  1. America faces challenges in belief systems and communication despite advancements in education and technology.
  2. The prioritization of economic interests over environmental concerns by both politicians and voters is a significant issue.
  3. Disconnecting from technology and reconnecting with nature could help us regain common sense and a sense of community.
Good Business, Better World 1 HN point 17 Feb 23
  1. Ecosia is a search engine that plants trees with over 168 million trees planted so far.
  2. Ecosia generates revenue through ads to fund tree planting and operates based on an impact model where clicks on ads support planting trees.
  3. Founder Christian Kroll started Ecosia after failed attempts at other internet ventures and the company focuses on environmental features in search results to promote climate-conscious decisions.