The hottest Delivery Services Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Silver Bulletin 438 implied HN points 27 Nov 23
  1. Americans are spending more money overall, not just paying higher prices due to inflation.
  2. Fast food chains are using strategies like price increases, marketing, and delivery to make customers spend more.
  3. Consumer spending is increasing faster than inflation, impacting people's perceptions about the economy.
Data: Made Not Found (by danah) 51 implied HN points 13 Jun 23
  1. Focusing on low-stakes data modeling failures is important to understand how algorithms are shaping minor aspects of our lives.
  2. Supply chains and service-based businesses are facing challenges from flawed data modeling, affecting customers, workers, and businesses.
  3. Everyday interactions like car rentals and food delivery are revealing flaws in data modeling, leading to frustration and distrust in brands.
Venture Prose 0 implied HN points 29 Jul 16
  1. Investors sometimes miss out on unique investment opportunities, like Capitaine Train, because of not understanding the team, product value, or market potential.
  2. TokTokTok stands out for its CEO's clear vision, team commitment to customer satisfaction, and focus on personal delivery at scale beyond traditional food or personal services.
  3. Success doesn't always come from following the crowd; sometimes it's the outliers that surprise us the most.
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