The hottest Consumer spending Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Stay-At-Home Macro (SAHM) β€’ 1356 implied HN points β€’ 11 Jan 24
  1. The labor market is strong, American consumers are spending well, and most families are financially better off.
  2. Inflation is heading towards 2%, with businesses adjusting prices and the Fed needing to act accordingly.
  3. Forecasts suggest a recession may be avoided, softening the pessimistic rhetoric and improving consumer sentiment.
Silver Bulletin β€’ 438 implied HN points β€’ 27 Nov 23
  1. Americans are spending more money overall, not just paying higher prices due to inflation.
  2. Fast food chains are using strategies like price increases, marketing, and delivery to make customers spend more.
  3. Consumer spending is increasing faster than inflation, impacting people's perceptions about the economy.
Global Markets Investor β€’ 59 implied HN points β€’ 17 Dec 23
  1. Soft landing in the US economy refers to a scenario where interest rates increase without causing a recession. Achieving a soft landing is challenging due to the unpredictable effects of rising rates.
  2. Current economic indicators suggest a potential slowdown, with data like US bank lending growth declining and bankruptcy filings increasing. These factors could lead to significant economic problems if extended.
  3. Consumer spending in the US may face limitations, as issues like high credit card debt and rising delinquencies pose risks. The Federal Reserve's actions regarding interest rates could impact future economic outcomes.
Apricitas Economics β€’ 50 implied HN points β€’ 04 Dec 23
  1. Restarting student loan payments has led to higher delinquencies and lower consumer spending, despite some relief measures being in place.
  2. The end of student loan forbearance has caused a noticeable but modest impact on the economy as households resume making payments.
  3. Policy changes and billions in student debt forgiveness have eased the burden on borrowers, resulting in a decrease in total outstanding student loan debt.
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The Sunday Morning Post β€’ 78 implied HN points β€’ 04 Jun 23
  1. Inflation is causing consumers to shift spending towards necessary goods and services like food and healthcare.
  2. Americans are turning to credit cards to bridge the gap between rising prices and stagnant wages.
  3. High collective credit card debt and increasing delinquency rates could pose a significant threat to the overall economy.
The Sunday Morning Post β€’ 58 implied HN points β€’ 21 May 23
  1. Home Depot reported a 4.2% decline in sales for Q1 2023, marking the start of a period of moderation in the construction sector.
  2. Lower home construction numbers are impacting sales of materials like lumber and affecting big-ticket item purchases.
  3. Factors like higher interest rates, inflation, and economic uncertainty are contributing to the slowdown in the construction market.