The hottest Digital ethics Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Technology Topics
Natalia Mitigates The Apocalypse 353 implied HN points 29 Jan 24
  1. Stalking can happen to anyone, not just famous people, and tech companies like Patreon can inadvertently enable stalkers.
  2. Documenting and calling out instances of stalking and harassment can help raise awareness and hold tech companies accountable for their role.
  3. Coping strategies against online harassment include setting boundaries, exercising, practicing meditation, and using creativity to tell your story.
Technology, Environment, and Art 39 implied HN points 14 Dec 23
  1. The author warns against AI and advocates for a cautious approach towards technology, believing AI is a significant danger to humanity
  2. Not all AI developments are beneficial; the author strongly objects to AI taking over creative tasks and emphasizes the importance of human connection over AI-driven efficiency
  3. The author calls for resistance against the advancement of AI, encouraging individuals to avoid AI tools and take a stand against the pervasive use of technology for the sake of genuine human interaction and creativity
GOOD INTERNET 20 implied HN points 26 Jan 24
  1. AI-generated porn poses serious threats to privacy and psychological well-being, especially for activists and teenage girls.
  2. The omnipresence of AI-created porn can subject women to constant surveillance and objectification by digital swarms.
  3. Easy access to AI tools for creating fake porn raises concerns about the spread of nonconsensual and harmful content.
Reboot 21 implied HN points 18 Nov 23
  1. In the age of the internet, it's challenging to disappear in America due to the digital footprint left by basic needs like addresses, bank cards, and online accounts.
  2. There is a small community of tech-savvy individuals focused on extreme privacy, using specialized tools like privacy-focused operating systems, encrypted communication, and anonymous browsing.
  3. Extreme privacy can be isolating and exhausting, leading to a constant balance between the desire for privacy and the inherent risks and limitations of disappearing from the public eye.
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Anxiety Addiction & Ascension 39 implied HN points 20 Mar 23
  1. Deep fake technology keeps improving and may soon create videos that are indistinguishable from reality, raising concerns about misinformation and manipulation.
  2. The rise of deep fakes adds complexity to the challenge of discerning truth from fiction, contributing to a post-truth era dominated by subjective realities.
  3. The potential consequences of flawless deep fake technology could escalate societal disarray, potentially leading to increased conflict and war.
The Andrew Thomas Arrow Living Blog 1 HN point 16 Apr 23
  1. The debate surrounds the need for an Artificial Intelligence Administration, similar to the FDA, to regulate AI development.
  2. One proposed solution is to create a sandbox environment for developers to test AI applications before release.
  3. Questions arise about how to balance AI automation, developer access, and the security implications of regulating AI on a global scale.