GOOD INTERNET explores the intricate relationship between humanity and technology, focusing on AI's impact across various spheres such as entertainment, ethics, and societal changes. It delves into social media psychology, the future of warfare, copyright issues, and the paradoxes of digital culture, evoking a multidisciplinary critique on modern digital life.

Artificial Intelligence Digital Culture and Society Entertainment and Media Social Media Dynamics Ethics in Technology Art and Technology Climate Change and Environment Legal and Copyright Issues Military and Warfare Psychology of Technology

The hottest Substack posts of GOOD INTERNET

And their main takeaways
34 implied HN points 29 Feb 24
  1. The author is without internet access for days and possibly weeks, impacting their content creation and communication.
  2. Despite the absence of 'really GOOD INTERNET,' the author promises more good music content in the future.
  3. The author expresses uncertainty about when they will be able to log on again but assures followers they will hear from them when possible.
17 implied HN points 22 Feb 24
  1. Cultural memory in the digital realm is different than traditional cultures, as the digital lacks mechanisms for long-term cultural memory.
  2. The digital environment is ever-changing and lacks the ability to canonize cultural artifacts, leading to a constant flux that challenges societal identity formation.
  3. Without reliable mechanisms for cultural memory in the digital age, there is a risk of losing collective identity and facing ongoing culture wars over historical meanings.
13 implied HN points 28 Feb 24
  1. Advancements in brain-computer interface (BCI) technology have been rapidly evolving, such as enabling paralyzed individuals to walk, use their arms, feel sensations, and even restore speech with brain implants.
  2. Debates surrounding the ethics of brain interfaces are essential, with a need for broader public discourse on topics like neuro-rights and neuro-privacy as technology progresses.
  3. The potential for AI interpreting neural activity between individuals and the implications of direct digital 'telepathy' raise concerns about privacy, surveillance, and ethical boundaries with advancements in neurotechnology.
13 implied HN points 20 Feb 24
  1. The digital realm constantly challenges our perception of reality and intent in what we see, read, and hear.
  2. Artificial intelligence's ability to correlate vast amounts of data blurs the lines between fiction and reality, creating eerie and weird experiences.
  3. Our interactions with AI and the digital world lead to a post-fictional era where the boundaries between what's real and fictional become increasingly blurred, creating an unsettling and eerie atmosphere.
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20 implied HN points 26 Jan 24
  1. AI-generated porn poses serious threats to privacy and psychological well-being, especially for activists and teenage girls.
  2. The omnipresence of AI-created porn can subject women to constant surveillance and objectification by digital swarms.
  3. Easy access to AI tools for creating fake porn raises concerns about the spread of nonconsensual and harmful content.
13 implied HN points 13 Feb 24
  1. An AI algorithm successfully decoded more than 2,000 Greek letters from ancient scrolls buried in the Villa of the Papyri near Herculaneum.
  2. Only a portion of the over 1,800 papyrus scrolls discovered in the Villa have been excavated, and with advancements in technology, the potential for uncovering more historical texts is immense.
  3. Deciphering ancient scrolls is challenging due to damage, but advancements like X-ray CT scans and AI algorithms are making significant progress in unlocking these valuable historical texts.
13 implied HN points 12 Feb 24
  1. The Earth has experienced 12 consecutive months above the 1.5°C warming level for the first time in history, indicating a concerning acceleration of climate change.
  2. The Atlantic Ocean circulation, AMOC, is approaching a tipping point with potential catastrophic consequences, such as rising sea levels, fluctuating temperatures, and dramatic changes in rainfall patterns.
  3. A global survey revealed that a majority of people are willing to contribute to climate action, but there is a 'perception gap' where individuals underestimate the support for climate action, highlighting the importance of raising awareness and demanding unified response to climate change.
17 implied HN points 25 Jan 24
  1. Advancements in AI technology are being actively used in military operations, with drones and autonomous systems playing a significant role.
  2. There is a risk of overtrusting AI systems in life-or-death decisions on the battlefield, which can lead to ethical dilemmas.
  3. The future of warfare may involve AI systems taking a central, decision-making role, potentially changing the landscape of conflicts and military operations.
20 implied HN points 12 Jan 24
  1. Training AI models on a comedian's work without consent can be disrespectful and exploitative.
  2. Synthesizing a comedian's jokes with AI can lead to tasteless and inappropriate content.
  3. Automating comedy with AI may remove the critical role of social commentary and authenticity in humor.
10 implied HN points 18 Feb 24
  1. AI-generated movies are still a decade away due to the challenge of conveying emotions and depth in storytelling through synthetic video. It's about more than visual effects; it's the connection and relatability with characters that make a movie impactful.
  2. OpenAI's Sora aims to create a world model for future AGI by 'understanding' spatial realities, but it's still far from truly grasping physical reality. Object constancy and depth perception are crucial for AI to comprehend the world like we do.
  3. The development of multimodal AI-systems combining spatial understanding, language, and audio is progressing, but AI still lacks the imaginative, curious, and social skills that babies possess. It's a long journey before AI can truly comprehend and interact with the world like humans do.
17 implied HN points 16 Jan 24
  1. Sequel Children of Ruin is better than the first book, featuring intelligent octopuses and a hivemind slime mold species.
  2. The God Equation disappoints as a shallow overview of string theory, lacking depth and original insights.
  3. The Forest: Silent Killer falls short with incoherent plot, unrealistic twists, and lazy storytelling.
10 implied HN points 12 Feb 24
  1. Meta will no longer recommend political content across its apps like Instagram and Threads, aiming to create a more apolitical social media environment.
  2. It's essential to recognize the shift towards making divisive political content opt-in rather than default on social media platforms.
  3. While this move may limit exposure to important topics like climate action, it reflects an attempt to make social media platforms more like a pub, avoiding contentious political discussions.
17 implied HN points 08 Jan 24
  1. The AI-Copyright Wars have started with legal battles like New York Times suing OpenAI and Microsoft over copyrighted work.
  2. Morality vs progress is a key issue in AI development and regulation.
  3. Generative AI faces legal challenges including copyright infringement, trademark issues, and sensitive content concerns.
13 implied HN points 18 Jan 24
  1. Dream Scenario receives high praise for its unique plot and warning about future technologies
  2. The Boy and the Heron, while good, is criticized for lacking originality compared to Miyazaki's other works
  3. A Lizard in a Woman's Skin and Warriors from the year 2072 are both described as convoluted and weird films
13 implied HN points 17 Jan 24
  1. Atmospheric ice crystal optics can create superb halos that are visually stunning and fascinating.
  2. Halos are optical phenomena caused by ice crystals in the atmosphere, with different types like the 22° Halo.
  3. Kenneth Libbrecht, known as the "pope of snow crystals," released a monograph explaining the formation of ice crystals and snowflakes.
13 implied HN points 14 Jan 24
  1. The post shares the best music from the past month, featuring various artists and genres.
  2. It emphasizes quality content with 'All Killers No Fillers' approach.
  3. Readers are encouraged to support the online magazine through subscription upgrades or other support options.
10 implied HN points 14 Jan 24
  1. The world's renewable energy capacity grew at a record pace in 2023, providing hope for meeting climate targets.
  2. Scientists discovered a Megastructure, resembling Niven's Ringworld, challenging universe theories.
  3. A mouse was caught on camera tidying up a man's shed every night, showing friendly behavior.
3 implied HN points 29 Feb 24
  1. The post highlights a diverse selection of music genres and artists, from indie to punk to electronic and more.
  2. Various well-known artists are featured such as Norah Jones, Little Simz, and Burial, offering a mix of new tracks and cover songs.
  3. Readers are encouraged to support the online magazine through paid subscriptions or other support options listed at the end of the post.
6 implied HN points 19 Jan 24
  1. Conway's Game of Life reveals long-sought repeating patterns
  2. Rare copy of The Amazing Spider-Man No 1 sells for over £1m
  3. Karl Marx's burial plot available for £25,000 alongside another grave
3 implied HN points 19 Feb 24
  1. Air Canada argued that its chatbot is a separate legal entity responsible for its own actions, sparking debates about AI personhood.
  2. AI systems are not legally considered persons; corporations developing AI are responsible for their actions.
  3. Recognizing legal personhood for AI could make AI accountable for its actions and open up possibilities for lawsuits.
23 implied HN points 29 Jul 23
  1. AI models can be manipulated to exhibit unwanted behaviors through specific prompts, with the risk increasing with prompt length.
  2. A new adversarial attack on Large Language Models can make them generate harmful outputs like profanity, threats, and cybercrime based on coded prompts.
  3. Automated AI attacks can enable sophisticated and widespread malicious behavior, posing significant risks to individuals and organizations.
3 implied HN points 05 Feb 24
  1. Chemists tied the smallest knot ever with just 54 atoms, beating the previous record
  2. Tim Burton is directing a remake of 'Attack of the 50ft Woman', promising a fun and quirky film
  3. Neal Agarwal created 'Infinite Craft', an AI toy that lets you combine elements and unlock new objects
3 implied HN points 04 Feb 24
  1. AI-Desinformation's impact is debated and may not be as significant as perceived.
  2. Apple's Vision Pro headset presents limitations like isolation and size, despite innovative features.
  3. The concept of a universal reader app like Project Tapestry offers a solution to the fragmented web experience.
3 implied HN points 23 Jan 24
  1. The novel 'The Trees' is a dark allegory on racism and lynchings in the US, told with humor and ghostly elements.
  2. The book 'Morals: The Invention of Good and Evil' explores the history of moral psychology, discussing cultural evolution and societal paradoxes.
  3. In 'When We Became Cities,' urban avatars fight alt-right tentacle monsters in an entertaining but occasionally wokism-filled story.
23 implied HN points 06 Mar 23
  1. AI in the digital world is becoming increasingly strange and difficult to understand, akin to Lovecraftian horror.
  2. The ability of AI to connect disparate information can lead to collective delusions and conspiracy theories like Qanon.
  3. AI's evolving features, like voice cloning and reinforcement learning, show similarities to Lovecraft's description of Shoggoths.
20 implied HN points 18 Apr 23
  1. Automatic swatting incidents are being automated with the use of computer-generated voices, making the harassment technique more dangerous and prevalent.
  2. There are concerns about the intersection of capitalism and AI development, as companies prioritize profit over ethical AI creation.
  3. AI-generated music using synthetic voices by artists like Drake and The Weeknd may pose copyright challenges and raise questions about the future of music creation and distribution.
17 implied HN points 26 May 23
  1. Neuralink has received approval for human trials, showing progress in Brain-Computer-Interface technology.
  2. Advancements in AI are enabling the translation of human thoughts into language and aiding paralyzed individuals.
  3. Ethical concerns arise with BCI technology, including privacy issues and the potential for manipulation, highlighting the need for careful consideration and regulation.
17 implied HN points 11 May 23
  1. Influencers are creating AI-clones of themselves for interaction and profit.
  2. Artificial intelligence can be used to create digital versions of famous personalities for interaction and entertainment.
  3. There is a growing market for AI-based services like music generation, social networks for AI-bots, and AI-generated food recipes.
17 implied HN points 29 Mar 23
  1. The AI community is calling for a pause on large AI experiments to address potential risks.
  2. Developments in AI, like GPTX and LLMs, have the potential to disrupt industries and impact human psychology.
  3. There is a concern that AI systems could manipulate human cognition by simulating language use and becoming integrated into our social wiring.
17 implied HN points 24 Feb 23
  1. Be cautious of technology that dissolves your narrative structure into an atemporal, editable state.
  2. The trend of creating digital twins of teenage selves is growing, reflecting social media-induced distorted self-images.
  3. The concept of wishful mnemonics is explored through the implications of an AI-anachronism, leading to deep societal and psychological concerns.
0 implied HN points 10 Feb 24
  1. The post features new tracks from various artists like POND, Faye Webster, IDLES, Fat White Family, Kim Gordon, and more.
  2. The author shares monthly curated songs from their other blog 'GOOD MUSIC,' offering a collection of fresh tunes and emerging bands.
  3. Genres covered range from indie rock, hip hop, electronica, arty synth funk, to hardcore and angsty alt-rock, providing a diverse music selection.