The hottest Pitching Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Vittles β€’ 202 implied HN points β€’ 11 Mar 24
  1. Vittles has launched a new website with sections like Features, Restaurants, Recipes, Columns, and Projects, offering a diverse range of food and culture content.
  2. Vittles is changing their pitching process to allow for more freedom in article submissions, encouraging writers to pitch ideas related to food with no restrictions on content.
  3. Vittles is expanding their team with new personnel and editors, aiming to sustainably grow the online magazine with reader contributions.
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Venture Prose β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 29 Jul 16
  1. When preparing a pitch deck, focus on presenting no more than 20 words and 3 ideas per slide to avoid overwhelming your audience.
  2. Create a FAQ document during meetings to document common questions asked and provide detailed yet concise answers that can be easily shared.
  3. Sharing a FAQ document after meetings not only saves time but also helps track audience concerns and lets them rely on accurate information.
Venture Prose β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 29 Jul 16
  1. When pitching your startup, focus on delivering simple and bold data that show conversion, retention, and growth within a concise 2-minute pitch.
  2. Ensure your pitch is empathetic, true to yourself, and clear to capture sincere attention and avoid boring your audience.
  3. Craft your startup story by covering who you are, what you do, when you started, why people love your product, your unique value, KPIs, and ambitions, all within a time limit of 2 minutes.