The hottest Education system Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Cremieux Recueil β€’ 241 implied HN points β€’ 24 Feb 24
  1. Standardized tests can play a crucial role in admissions, as other evaluation criteria like interviews and extracurriculars tend to be biased.
  2. Grade inflation can lead to biases in GPAs, impacting underrepresented students and creating disadvantages based on school demographics or parental education levels.
  3. Using biased tests, like the English listening section of China's Gaokao exam, can inadvertently disadvantage certain groups and impact college admissions, forcing a balance between bias correction and maintaining test significance.
The Recovering Academic β€’ 475 implied HN points β€’ 16 May 23
  1. Choosing a career path that aligns with your true self can be challenging but ultimately rewarding.
  2. Academia comes with its own set of challenges, including feeling limited in career opportunities beyond teaching, research, or management.
  3. The education field, particularly in academia, may not always prioritize the well-being and fair compensation of faculty and staff, leading to a cycle of exploitation.
Penelope Trunk's Substack β€’ 59 implied HN points β€’ 06 Jan 24
  1. MIT continues to require the SAT for admissions, which can be a significant factor for students like the girl from foster care who surpassed expectations in the math section.
  2. The SAT is seen as an equalizer by some institutions like MIT, serving to identify potential in students who may face extreme challenges and fears, like the brilliant girl from foster care.
  3. The story highlights the importance of recognizing exceptional talents and potential in students from diverse backgrounds, even when facing adversities like lack of stability and basic needs.
OpenTheBooks Substack β€’ 234 implied HN points β€’ 29 Aug 23
  1. California schools are teaching that genders are limitless and encourage inventing new genders.
  2. Governor Newsom's administration is funneling millions of taxpayer dollars into promoting neogenders.
  3. Gender Spectrum organization's initiatives can exclude parents and keep them in the dark about their child's gender transitions.
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The Future of Education β€’ 255 implied HN points β€’ 17 May 23
  1. System transformation in education is difficult because it usually involves replacing the existing system with a new one.
  2. Existing systems have interconnected components with consistent and reinforcing structures that resist external changes.
  3. Simply introducing new ideas or programs into an established system may not work if they do not align with the existing structures and incentives.
Volted: Electrify your Life β€’ 57 HN points β€’ 11 Jul 23
  1. Public high schools are crucial for bringing more young people into the clean energy workforce and addressing the labor shortage
  2. We need more young people to enter trades like electricians and HVAC technicians to meet the workforce demands of electrification
  3. Introducing 'Shop Class 2.0' in high schools can provide vocational training, flexible post-graduation pathways, and improve diversity in the trades workforce
Kids Who Love Math β€’ 1 HN point β€’ 23 Feb 24
  1. It matters what you do at home for education - especially for math kids who may need extra support.
  2. Teachers on Reddit discuss the challenges of students being significantly behind in basic skills like reading, writing, and math.
  3. The gap between high-performing students and those falling behind seems to be widening, prompting concerns among educators about the quality of education.