The hottest Executives Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Business Topics
software + caffeine = blog 1 HN point 17 Feb 23
  1. Having regular forums within your engineering organization is crucial for driving accountability for availability.
  2. Different levels of availability reviews cater to specific audiences and purposes, from individual engineering teams to executives.
  3. Building momentum for these forums requires buy-in from engineering teams, executives, and directors, and it's essential for sustaining the process.
Get a weekly roundup of the best Substack posts, by hacker news affinity:
Afridigest 0 implied HN points 19 Feb 24
  1. Afridigest provides updates on tech in Africa, focusing on organizations like Jumia and executives in the industry.
  2. The Week in Review discusses notable organizations such as BII, EdVentures, Flutterwave, and others, as well as key executives like Jumia's Francis Dufay and TLCom Capital's Eloho Omame.
  3. Subscribers are encouraged to sign up for a Lagos meetup and certain content requires a subscription for access.