The hottest Media Landscape Substack posts right now

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Top World Politics Topics
Oliver Bateman Does the Work 176 implied HN points 09 Feb 24
  1. The author emphasizes the importance of authentic and deep writing, prioritizing integrity and curiosity over digital fame and performative online culture.
  2. The Substack platform allows the author to explore a variety of topics that capture their interest, free from market trends or ideological constraints.
  3. The author's work on Substack reflects a commitment to consistent output, supported by paid subscribers, enabling a balance between creative freedom and financial stability.
ChinaTalk 415 implied HN points 02 Jun 23
  1. China watching methodology by Ladány emphasizes understanding CCP through Chinese-language sources.
  2. US media must improve by decoupling from biased reporting and analyzing China's primary source material.
  3. Improving US-China relations requires analyzing Chinese-language sources, fostering Mandarin expertise, and engaging with CCP narratives.
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