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Software Design: Tidy First? 1903 implied HN points 11 Jan 24
  1. The new companion model called Rent-a-Kent combines blog posts with a trained language model to promote reader interaction.
  2. Creating the companion model felt more like programming than writing a blog post, with less control over the model's responses.
  3. This new form of literature allows for immediate questions and comments without the delay of waiting for replies, but may lack the human connection found in traditional comment sections.
The Algorithmic Bridge 849 implied HN points 16 Feb 24
  1. OpenAI's Sora is a revolutionary text-to-video AI model that excels in generating high-quality videos with various resolutions and aspect ratios.
  2. Sora is a diffusion transformer model that leverages a mix of diffusion model (DALL-E 3) and transformer architecture (ChatGPT) to process videos like ChatGPT processes text.
  3. Sora serves as a generalist, scalable model of visual data, capable of creating images and videos, transforming them, and simulating physically sound scenes, albeit in a primitive manner.
Addition 98 implied HN points 07 Jul 23
  1. AI system 'CannesGPT' generates creative ideas using case studies from Cannes Lions winners
  2. In-context learning aligns AI outputs with creative objectives for more original ideas
  3. Using foundation models like Claude and GPT-4 for different stages in AI idea generation pipeline
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