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Top Faith & Spirituality Topics
Keep your Wokal_distance • 845 implied HN points • 30 Mar 23
  1. Critical Social Justice Theorists focus on being 'critical' to analyze concepts and theories within the realm of wokeness.
  2. The term 'critical' holds different meanings in the enlightenment liberal tradition of critical thinking and the woke social justice tradition of critical theory.
  3. Woke activists view truth and knowledge through the lens of power dynamics and social inequalities, rather than objective reality.
The Worldview Bulletin Newsletter • 137 implied HN points • 24 Mar 23
  1. Some theories suggest Jesus' resurrection was a result of deceit by his followers, but this is unlikely due to ethical considerations and historical evidence.
  2. Mainstream scholars and historians widely accept the authenticity of Jesus as a historical figure, debunking the mythicism theory that claims Jesus never existed.
  3. Complex conspiracy theories involving faked deaths and elaborate deceptions about Jesus' resurrection lack credibility and are not embraced by credible historians.
Economic Forces • 4 implied HN points • 14 Sep 23
  1. Using supply and demand to explain observations can be overly flexible and lead to pure sophistry in economics.
  2. Models based on implicit agreements, folk theorems, and coordination failures can be unfalsifiable and offer no predictive power.
  3. When evaluating economic theories, it's important to consider if they can provide meaningful predictions and not just overlapping explanations.
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Living Fossils • 0 implied HN points • 13 Mar 24
  1. Sports rules, fouls, and penalties vary but have commonalities in different sports. Rulebook Foundations Theory tries to explain this variation and commonality.
  2. Rulebook Foundations Theory categorizes fouls and penalties into 6 domains including time-related infractions, equipment misuse, and player composition violations.
  3. Understanding why rules exist in sports involves solving a coordination problem to measure performance and deter harm, while organizing the rules is a separate issue addressed by Rulebook Foundations Theory.