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Brett DiDonato β€’ 3 HN points β€’ 21 Mar 24
  1. Preventing LLMs like ChatGPT from hallucinating entirely is a challenge, but technological advancements are helping reduce hallucination rates.
  2. Techniques such as using better models, retrieval augmented generation (RAG), larger context windows, and improved grounding can significantly reduce model hallucinations.
  3. Hallucinations in large language models are caused by the autoregressive nature of the models and the lack of logical grounding, but advancements in model quality and techniques are making complex AI applications more feasible.
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Probable Wisdom β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 04 Mar 24
  1. The Goldfish Principle emphasizes managing context like a goldfish's limited memory, crucial for LLM application development and innovation.
  2. Objective Benchmarking involves setting up evaluation criteria to measure progress effectively, vital for tasks with uncertain outcomes like LLM application development and innovation.
  3. Embracing the Goldfish Principle and Objective Benchmarking helps navigate uncertain opportunities successfully, supporting teams and organizations to thrive in unpredictable environments.