The hottest Urban Substack posts right now

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So Here’s a Thing β€’ 1101 implied HN points β€’ 10 Mar 23
  1. Jeremy Mann is known for his impressionist urban landscapes, with a gritty and unique approach to light and form.
  2. His art often includes noir-ish themes and a sense of perpetual rain, capturing the essence of the Bay area.
  3. In addition to urban landscapes, Mann also excels in painting rural and coastal landscapes, figures, and occasionally shares insights into his creative process.
London in Bits β€’ 196 implied HN points β€’ 24 Jul 23
  1. Westminster Council is planning changes to improve Oxford Street, including more green spaces and pedestrian crossings
  2. Empty stores on Oxford Street are being offered to innovative brands on a rent-free basis for six months
  3. The Met Police is implementing a two-year plan to increase trust, reduce crime, and improve policing standards, including using the Cambridge Crime Harm Index to target offenders
Numb at the Lodge β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 05 Jul 23
  1. Riots start with an inciting incident like a child being murdered or a holy symbol being desecrated.
  2. Riots are tied to the seasons, usually happening in summer when the sun is seen as a weapon and a drug.
  3. The word 'riot' originally meant dissolute living and extravagance, while today it also reflects delicate, bourgeois feelings.
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