The 21st Century Proletarian

The 21st Century Proletarian Substack explores the intersections of socialism, society, and culture, with a focus on critiquing capitalism, digital culture's impact, worker's rights, societal loneliness, the role of community and space, and challenging societal norms and structures from a progressive, socialist perspective.

Socialism and Capitalism Digital Culture and Society Worker's Rights and Unionism Social Isolation and Community Cultural Critique and Norms Housing and Landlord Critique Political Activism and Movements Feminism and Gender Equality Technology and Future Society Art and Media Influence

The hottest Substack posts of The 21st Century Proletarian

And their main takeaways
79 implied HN points β€’ 21 Oct 23
  1. The desire for Starbucks might be a yearning for a communal space like communism, highlighting how economic systems affect our social interactions.
  2. Third places, like coffee houses or the Agora in ancient Athens, play a crucial role in fostering community, political consciousness, and social connections.
  3. The shift from real-life third places to online bubbles has led to increased loneliness, with digital interactions lacking the depth and variety of human connections found in physical communal spaces.
219 implied HN points β€’ 05 Feb 23
  1. Political discussion on the internet has become shallow, filled with predictable buzz-phrases, and lacks a solid theoretical basis.
  2. Social media, especially Twitter, has transformed users into machine-like beings, adapting opinions based on algorithm feedback rather than critical thought.
  3. Engaging in algorithmic discourse for clout and engaging in divisive topics hinders progress towards meaningful political change and unity within movements.
99 implied HN points β€’ 28 May 23
  1. The modern working world is divided between LinkedIn Lunatics (hustle culture enthusiasts) and quiet quitters (disengaged workers), who both suffer personal alienation and economic insecurities.
  2. Both the Lunatics and the quitters lack class consciousness, focusing on individual coping mechanisms instead of collective action for better worker rights.
  3. The emergence of empowered workers through neoliberalism emphasizes optimizing employability and personal control within the capitalist system, impacting how individuals find purpose and meaning in their work.
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39 implied HN points β€’ 06 Aug 23
  1. Socialism is facing challenges in the current political landscape, with capitalism prevailing as the dominant system.
  2. The increasing immersion in digital worlds through technologies like VR may distract us from addressing real-world problems and fuel isolation and inequality.
  3. Hyper-personalization and isolation in virtual spaces could hinder political engagement, highlighting the importance of real-life connections for meaningful change.
59 implied HN points β€’ 26 Mar 23
  1. Media often portrays workers fighting for their rights as villains, amplifying employer interests to create negative narratives against unions.
  2. Employers use divisive tactics to pit union members against non-union workers, fostering a false belief that their interests conflict.
  3. Growing union membership among workers is crucial to shifting the narrative, building solidarity, and empowering workers to advocate for fair treatment.
59 implied HN points β€’ 15 Jan 23
  1. Feminists like Shulamith Firestone have argued for technological advances in reproduction to challenge gender stereotypes and hierarchies.
  2. Rejecting the natural connection between women and motherhood is important to move towards gender equality and eliminate gender distinctions.
  3. Advocating for responsible use of artificial wombs can lead to progress in gender equality, but it should be approached cautiously with a focus on societal well-being.
59 implied HN points β€’ 13 Oct 22
  1. Conspiracy theories often rooted in antisemitism can distract from the real issue of class conflict which is essential to address for societal progression.
  2. Antisemitism views Jewishness as a force of massive abstract power controlling the world, reflecting a critique of capitalist modernity seeking a return to a pre-modern society.
  3. Critiques blaming elite circles for societal problems without understanding the structural issues of capitalism are simplifications that can perpetuate harmful ideologies and divide the working class.
39 implied HN points β€’ 07 Aug 22
  1. Landlordism is seen as parasitism, and the concept suggests that being a landlord should be made obsolete to free housing from profit motives.
  2. Small and large landlords operate similarly with shared economic interests, leading to the same exploitative behaviors and attitudes towards tenants.
  3. The movement to expropriate large real estate corporations in favor of fairer housing distribution without landlords is gaining support as a socialist policy goal.
19 implied HN points β€’ 04 Nov 22
  1. Question the necessity of traditional industry standards like Pantone and Adobe in the digital age. Consider alternatives and challenge the status quo.
  2. Empower individuals to create their own color systems and liberate design from corporate influence. Encourage innovation and free access to color.
  3. Advocate for a design revolution by rejecting outdated, overpriced software, and working towards a more inclusive and progressive design community.
19 implied HN points β€’ 17 Sep 22
  1. Cat City is a short animation that tells a deep story about the human experience in just 181 seconds.
  2. The cat protagonist's journey reflects themes of alienation, loneliness, capitalism, and the desire for autonomy and connection.
  3. The animation explores complex emotions and relationships, making viewers reflect on their own feelings and judgments.
19 implied HN points β€’ 28 Aug 22
  1. A self-organised women's group initiated a 14-month-long strike in the Kirkby Rent Strikes of 1972, highlighting the importance of worker-tenant collaboration.
  2. The Kirkby Rent Strikes failed due to a lack of national response and support from worker unions, showing the necessity for tenant and worker organizations to work together for impactful class struggle.
  3. Lessons from the Kirkby Rent Strikes emphasize the power of solidarity between tenants and workers, showcasing the need for strong unions to engage in timely initiatives for successful collective action.
19 implied HN points β€’ 22 Aug 22
  1. Modern workplaces are increasingly resembling playgrounds for adults, with fun activities and colorful environments to create a more enjoyable work atmosphere.
  2. The infantilization of office culture can lead to employees feeling disempowered, lacking genuine workplace satisfaction, and being discouraged from advocating for their own interests.
  3. The Stepford employee dynamic, cultivated by companies treating workers like children, can suppress autonomous thinking, hinder collective organizing for better conditions, and foster a culture where employees rely on the company to dictate appropriate behavior.
2 HN points β€’ 14 Nov 23
  1. The emergence of different philosophies like cute accelerationism highlights the shift towards embracing radical technological progress and addressing existential questions about the future of humanity.
  2. There is a growing divide between techno-optimists advocating for full acceleration and techno-skeptics resisting AI and industrialized civilization, leading to discussions on the role of technology in shaping our future.
  3. Network Spirituality, as seen in the context of Remilia and cute accelerationism, promotes the idea of embracing a shared consciousness and technological domination without resistance, envisioning a future where human existence blends seamlessly with machines.