The hottest Spatial Computing Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Implications, by Scott Belsky 432 implied HN points 23 Jan 24
  1. 2024 brings significant changes and implications due to societal shifts, innovation speed, and changing human desires.
  2. Customers are increasingly driving R&D by generating ideas, particularly with the help of AI tools and social validation.
  3. Communal resourcefulness, like shared threat models and blocklists, is crucial for enhancing security in the AI era.
Tabletops 334 implied HN points 05 Feb 24
  1. Apple's successful retail experience is crucial for the launch of new products like the Vision Pro.
  2. Apple Vision Pro is a personal and unique product in the spatial computing category.
  3. The detailed and well-coordinated demo experience for Vision Pro at Apple Stores is a key factor in its success.
Brad DeLong's Grasping Reality 146 implied HN points 12 Feb 24
  1. Capital is increasingly substituting labor, affecting income inequality and job opportunities.
  2. Some New York Times reporters display lack of awareness about key policies and issues, raising questions about the purpose of journalism.
  3. The Apple Vision Pro VR headset is considered innovative but not without limitations, targeting a specific tech-savvy audience.
The Rectangle 113 implied HN points 09 Feb 24
  1. The release of the Vision Pro highlights a split in culture between bootlickers and contrarians.
  2. Bootlickers overly defend products and praise them, while contrarians overly criticize and find flaws in them.
  3. Algorithmisation exacerbates this cultural division by boosting controversial content and leading us into binary situations.
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Spatial Web AI by Denise Holt 58 implied HN points 25 Jan 24
  1. Learn about Active Inference AI and Spatial Computing in a new Learning Lab LIVE series for $5/month or $32/year.
  2. The series delves into concepts like Active Inference, Spatial Computing, and how these technologies merge in the future.
  3. Each monthly presentation covers topics like the Spatial Web Protocol, Belief Updating, Holon architecture, and more, with two LIVE sessions per month.
Musings Of A Wandering Mind 137 implied HN points 20 Jul 23
  1. Generation Alpha, born between 2010 and 2024, will be the largest generation and shape the future.
  2. They will have advanced technological skills by age 8 and influence the metaverse and spatial computing.
  3. Understanding Generation Alpha is crucial for businesses to adapt to their preferences and values.
SCIENCE GODDESS 78 implied HN points 04 Jul 23
  1. Apple's new VR headset offers a revolutionary way of interfacing with technology called 'spatial computing'
  2. The technology behind Apple's VR headset draws parallels to the perspectival representation technique in medieval European painting
  3. Considerations about the implications and trade-offs of using Apple's VR headset, such as privacy concerns and the balance between virtual and physical interactions
Department of Product 78 implied HN points 13 Jun 23
  1. Apple's visionOS design principles emphasize familiarity, human-centered approach, and immersive experiences.
  2. visionOS introduces new gestures like taps, double taps, and pinch and drag, requiring product teams to rethink design systems for spatial computing.
  3. Spatial computing with visionOS could find applications in productivity and individual user experiences, potentially changing traditional input methods.
The Intersection 19 implied HN points 09 Jun 23
  1. In order to succeed, it's more important to be smart than fast. The tale of the mouse outsmarting the ox in the Zodiac race exemplifies this.
  2. Apple's Vision Pro launch marks their entry into spatial computing, but they are not the pioneers in personal or mobile computing.
  3. Apple aims to dominate individual interface access, while Meta focuses on connections and monetizing data. Both have different business focuses and target markets.
Digital Native 0 implied HN points 28 Feb 24
  1. Gen Z is interested in finding cheaper alternatives to expensive products, known as 'dupes', and platforms like TikTok are popular for sharing these recommendations.
  2. New technologies like Sora and Vision Pro are changing the way we create and experience content, with AI models generating videos from text prompts and devices like Vision Pro offering immersive experiences.
  3. The integration of AI and spatial computing in our daily lives brings both positive and negative implications, with opportunities for improved communication and accessibility, but also potential challenges in job displacement and ethical concerns.
Spatial Web AI by Denise Holt 0 implied HN points 12 Oct 22
  1. The Spatial Web Foundation and VERSES Technologies are building a new computing technology stack with three tiers - Interface, Logic & Data focused on merging AR & VR experiences with the physical world.
  2. VERSES Technologies' AI Operating System called KOSM™ enables cognitive computing methods for processing spatial and UX data, and includes Artificial Intelligence based on the 'Free Energy Principle.'
  3. Distributed Ledger Technologies like Blockchain, with Smart Contracts at their core, offer secure automation of transactions, providing trust, security, and privacy crucial for a prosperous Web 3.0 experience.
Perspective Agents 0 implied HN points 12 Feb 24
  1. Spatial computing is poised to revolutionize how fans experience sports broadcasting by moving from 2D to 3D mediums.
  2. Technological advancements have drastically transformed how the Super Bowl is broadcasted, with new formats and immersive experiences being introduced.
  3. New technologies like spatial computing could lead to groundbreaking innovations in sports broadcasting, introducing features like multiple camera views and AR overlays to enhance viewer engagement.
Requests for Startups 0 implied HN points 12 Jun 23
  1. Apple introduced the VisionPro at WWDC, a new product in the spatial computing space.
  2. Spatial computing will bring a shift from 2D to 3D workspaces and focus on contextual awareness and interconnectivity.
  3. Future opportunities in spatial computing include brain-machine interfaces, open-source hardware, and tools for creating lived experiences.