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Chartbook β€’ 371 implied HN points β€’ 28 Feb 24
  1. The post discusses various topics including Biden's relationship with the oil industry, the concept of 'guns versus butter', the shrinking of Korea, Pax Economica, and the energy consumption of Bitcoin.
  2. There is a mention of resistance art in Japan, particularly focusing on the country's opposition to American influence after 1945 and the presence of a large Communist Party.
  3. The post is intended for paid subscribers, offering additional insights and content beyond what is available to the general audience.
rebelwisdom β€’ 648 implied HN points β€’ 26 Jan 24
  1. Humor can help shift polarisation in culture by allowing us to laugh at ourselves and break free from the seriousness of current societal tensions.
  2. Comedy has historically faced censorship and backlash, but the rise of social media has changed how outrage is expressed and impacts comedy.
  3. Laughter can lead to cognitive flexibility, social bonding, and breaking us free from rigid frames of thought, making comedy a powerful tool for cultural change.
Cosmographia β€’ 1637 implied HN points β€’ 08 Nov 23
  1. The post is part of the Atlas' Notes series on Cosmographia, showcasing art, poetry, literature, cartography, and photography focused on a specific place.
  2. The content is exclusive for paid subscribers, indicating a premium value for those who subscribe to the platform.
  3. Readers can explore a variety of creative works and insights about Jericho through this post and the Atlas' Notebook series.
Cosmographia β€’ 1238 implied HN points β€’ 30 Nov 23
  1. The post is about The Kingdom of Kush and is part of the Atlas' Notes series which focuses on art, poetry, literature, cartography, and photography related to a specific place.
  2. The post is meant for paid subscribers, showcasing a full map of Cosmographia and offering a sign-in option for existing paid subscribers.
  3. The content offers a blend of visuals and written material, creating an immersive experience for those interested in exploring The Kingdom of Kush.
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SBJournal β€’ 628 implied HN points β€’ 23 Jan 24
  1. The Daddies were supportive figures in the porn industry, providing inspiration and practical help.
  2. The Daddies had a deep understanding of beauty, sex, death, and transformation, without seeking mainstream approval.
  3. The Daddies' generosity and support created a mutual inspiration with the author, fostering a unique bond during a period of sexual revolution.
Cintra Wilson Feels Your Pain β€’ 589 implied HN points β€’ 25 Jan 24
  1. The article examines how clothing reflects the personality and psychology of political candidates.
  2. Candidates are critiqued for their lack of personal style and adherence to a generic, uninspired wardrobe.
  3. The piece questions whether style and personal expression should be considered in the context of electing a president.
Flagging Down the Double E's β€’ 589 implied HN points β€’ 25 Jan 24
  1. The Band's role on the 1974 tour was significant, as they played two sets each night with their own big hits alongside Bob Dylan's songs.
  2. The Band faced struggles and burnout in 1974, with some members dealing with substance abuse and creative decline.
  3. The group's performance in Fort Worth in 1974 showcased their vulnerability and struggle, highlighted by songs like 'The Weight' and 'The Shape I'm In.'
Embedded β€’ 452 implied HN points β€’ 09 Feb 24
  1. Millennials are described as the enforcers of internet norms, likened to the role boomers play in society.
  2. Elamin Abdelmahmoud appreciates a wholesome and enjoyable For You page on TikTok, filled with heartwarming content.
  3. When it comes to creating content, Elamin feels uncertain about making TikToks due to struggles with the visual format, fearing he would abuse the 'Millennial pause.'
backstory β€’ 242 implied HN points β€’ 09 Mar 24
  1. The concept of image rights and consent has been a concern since the early days of photography in 1838.
  2. Different cultures and religions have varying views on images; aniconism plays a significant role.
  3. Photography can evoke strong reactions based on territoriality and cultural norms, as seen in various encounters in different parts of the world.
Chartbook β€’ 429 implied HN points β€’ 10 Feb 24
  1. The post discusses topics like the status of dollars, AI development, business in the far-right, and Foucault's dissertation.
  2. The Chartbook Newsletter by Adam Tooze provides valuable links, images, and readings.
  3. The featured artist, Edi Hila, is an influential figure in the Balkan art scene who captures the societal changes in post-communist Europe.
Embedded β€’ 452 implied HN points β€’ 07 Feb 24
  1. ASMR has evolved and gained mainstream acceptance over the years, transitioning to TikTok as a popular platform for ASMR content.
  2. Content creators like CozyLotusASMR are finding success by focusing on nature and the outdoors, showcasing ASMR in unique ways.
  3. Knowing your audience and adapting content to different platforms like YouTube and TikTok is key to engaging viewers and building a community.
The Mill β€’ 707 implied HN points β€’ 08 Jan 24
  1. The debate on Manchester's rapidly expanding skyline raises concerns about skyscrapers' impact.
  2. Manchester's skyline has seen a proliferation of glass towers, with 27 built since 2018 and 70 more in the pipeline.
  3. There is a divide in perspectives on skyscrapers, with some seeing them as progress while others view them as crowding out heritage and creating unaffordable housing.
Crumpstack β€’ 432 implied HN points β€’ 06 Feb 24
  1. The downtown Manhattan scene is divided into two main groups: the 'politicos' and the 'hipsters'.
  2. Sovereign House is a popular spot for Yarvinist DIY-space nightlife.
  3. There is a symbiotic relationship between the 'politicos' and the 'hipsters' in maintaining the scene's allure.
Global Inequality and More 3.0 β€’ 495 implied HN points β€’ 28 Jan 24
  1. The last volume of Proust's book 'A la recherche' is like a theater piece with interwoven social and sexual elements.
  2. Pasolini's film 'SalΓ² or 120 days of Sodom' did not focus on social context but rather indulged in gratuitous violence.
  3. Pasolini's film aimed to shock the audience, contrasting with the earlier approach of situating vices in a social context.
Chuck Palahniuk's Plot Spoiler β€’ 3085 implied HN points β€’ 08 Jul 23
  1. Consider focusing on a very small customer base that will pay high prices for your service or product.
  2. Creating a high-status-signaling commodity can attract a niche market of wealthy individuals.
  3. Emphasizing exclusivity and luxury in your offerings can drive demand and high price points.
The Ruffian β€’ 215 implied HN points β€’ 09 Mar 24
  1. Hollywood is showing signs of a mini-renaissance with a recent surge in quality films and more diverse storytelling, bucking the trend of blockbuster dominance.
  2. While concerns about a decline in mainstream culture persist, there are still pockets of innovation and quality in mediums like books, TV, music, and film, hinting at a complex and multifaceted cultural landscape.
  3. Previous golden ages in commercial art forms, like Hollywood in the 1970s, have occurred during periods of transition and uncertainty, suggesting that creativity flourishes when traditional norms are disrupted.
Richard Hanania's Newsletter β€’ 3438 implied HN points β€’ 14 Jun 23
  1. Cultural critics are concerned about the decline in original storytelling in movies, with studios relying more on established franchises.
  2. The influence of 'woke' ideology on art can limit the creation of compelling works by disregarding the natural differences and gendered characteristics between men and women.
  3. Wokeness has impacted art in areas like race representation in fantasy worlds, creating challenges for new storytelling while established franchises remain unaffected.
The Recovering Academic β€’ 435 implied HN points β€’ 02 Feb 24
  1. The path from academia to entrepreneurship can be filled with contradictions and tension, but owning and navigating them honestly can lead to growth and survival.
  2. Navigating modernity and its challenges may require reevaluating one's relationship with delight and joy, and finding ways to adapt and thrive amidst brokenness.
  3. Building bonds of reciprocal obligation with others might be a way to combat individualism, even in virtual spaces like LinkedIn and Zoom.
Blackbird Spyplane β€’ 1552 implied HN points β€’ 10 Oct 23
  1. Blackbird Spyplane offers guides and recommendations for unique and stylish items and stores.
  2. Hua Hsu discusses the significance of cultural references in defining identity, especially through fashion.
  3. The discussion includes artworks by Charlie Mai and Leon Xu, offering unique commentary on fashion and culture.
In the Flash β€’ 1926 implied HN points β€’ 08 Sep 23
  1. There is a collective backlash against Burning Man due to global warming leading to muddy conditions, criticized by journalists and intellectuals.
  2. Burning Man is not just about drugs and orgies; it also features art installations, interactive experiences, and a sense of wonder.
  3. Despite criticisms, Burning Man offers an escape from daily life, a space for freedom, creativity, and a reset from societal norms.
The Bottom Feeder β€’ 242 implied HN points β€’ 27 Feb 24
  1. Awards shows are fun, even if they're silly and trivial. It's enjoyable to argue about them and engage in the social experience of celebrating achievements.
  2. Awards fulfill various human needs like celebrating excellence, reflecting on the past year, and providing recommendations for the future.
  3. Creating a successful award show requires scale, respectability, and seriousness in a lighthearted way. Video game awards may struggle to find this balance.
Cosmographia β€’ 1397 implied HN points β€’ 11 Oct 23
  1. The post is part of the Atlas' Notes series on Cosmographia, focusing on art, poetry, literature, cartography, and photography related to a specific place.
  2. Access to the full content requires a subscription - this post is for paid subscribers only.
  3. M. E. Rothwell is the author of this post on Havana, published on October 11, 2023, on Cosmographia.
Chartbook β€’ 300 implied HN points β€’ 13 Feb 24
  1. The post discusses various topics like the first Chinese capitalists, war in Africa, BDS, and the art of doing nothing.
  2. Links, images, and readings are shared from the Chartbook Newsletter by Adam Tooze.
  3. There is also a mention of Leonora de Barros and her artwork from the Poemas series in 1979.
Cosmographia β€’ 1497 implied HN points β€’ 20 Sep 23
  1. The post is part of the Atlas' Notes series on Cosmographia, focusing on art, poetry, literature, cartography, and photography related to a specific location.
  2. The post is for paid subscribers only, showing that exclusive content is available on the platform.
  3. M. E. Rothwell is the author of the post, offering insights into Babylon through a unique lens.