The hottest Political Systems Substack posts right now

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Top World Politics Topics
Stark Realities with Brian McGlinchey β€’ 595 implied HN points β€’ 01 Nov 23
  1. No country inherently has a 'right to exist', they require permission from the governed to exist.
  2. The concept of states having a 'right to exist' is false, as history shows political arrangements change over time.
  3. States, from Israel to Ukraine, can only justly exist if they have the consent of those they govern.
History's Parrot β€’ 157 implied HN points β€’ 14 Jan 24
  1. Focusing on criticizing leaders like Trudeau isn't as effective as addressing the actual problems in society
  2. Mainstream media often fails to provide meaningful and insightful coverage, focusing on surface-level issues rather than deeper truths
  3. Current political systems are influenced by harmful ideologies, affecting democracy and the integrity of political parties
David Friedman’s Substack β€’ 179 implied HN points β€’ 29 Dec 23
  1. Plunkitt of Tammany Hall describes and defends the machine system of politics in New York City in the early 20th century.
  2. Richardson's book explains how the precinct executives played a crucial role in the machine system by managing to swing a majority of votes in primary elections.
  3. The debate arises on whether the machine system of politics, as described by Plunkitt and Richardson, was a positive or negative force compared to modern democracy.
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Anxiety Addiction & Ascension β€’ 79 implied HN points β€’ 20 Jun 23
  1. The term 'The Left' is not accurately representing those behind cultural forces like wokeness.
  2. The true orchestrators of societal malaise are not typical left-wing activists, but rather powerful individuals within the establishment.
  3. Wokeness and related ideologies are creations of the system aiming to divide people and divert attention from the true sources of societal issues.
Trying to Understand the World β€’ 4 implied HN points β€’ 31 May 23
  1. Economic systems can be divided into investment and creation vs. predation and extraction
  2. Historically, early economies were extractive in nature, focusing on land ownership and rent
  3. Modern societies exhibit extractive behaviors in various aspects such as politics, economics, and global development