The hottest Truth-seeking Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Philosophy Topics
Rozado’s Visual Analytics 316 implied HN points 22 Feb 24
  1. Customizable AI systems could be an alternative to one-size-fits-all AI systems, offering users the freedom to adjust settings based on their preferences.
  2. There's a debate about balancing truth and diversity/inclusion in AI systems, which raises questions about who should control how these systems are configured.
  3. Personalized AI systems where users can adjust settings themselves present a potential solution to the truth vs. values trade-off, though they come with risks like filter bubbles and societal polarization.
Ada Yeo 1631 implied HN points 01 Nov 23
  1. Distrust memes that make you feel morally superior or good about yourself.
  2. Reason from first principles instead of relying on convention or intuition.
  3. Adopt a scout mindset by seeking truth and being open to discarding beliefs that don't work.
Anxiety Addiction & Ascension 19 implied HN points 19 Jul 23
  1. Forgiveness is crucial for self-improvement and confronting difficult truths about oneself.
  2. Self-justification can hinder self-forgiveness and block the path to true self-understanding.
  3. Demoralization arises from the inability to forgive oneself, leading to challenges in assessing true information and navigating life's complexities.
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