The hottest Addiction Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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The Honest Broker β€’ 121016 implied HN points β€’ 18 Feb 24
  1. The entertainment industry is facing challenges like Disney in crisis, Paramount laying off employees, and a decline in TV shows, showing a shift towards a post-entertainment culture.
  2. The culture is transitioning towards a focus on distraction and addiction, with tech platforms using stimuli to create addictive cycles, impacting people's brains and happiness levels.
  3. As our culture evolves into a dopamine-driven society, it becomes essential to be mindful of our consumption habits, unplug from technology at times, and appreciate the real world around us.
Common Sense with Bari Weiss β€’ 1660 implied HN points β€’ 20 Feb 24
  1. Rob Henderson shares his heartbreaking childhood and the impact of abandonment from three adults in his life.
  2. Fentanyl epidemic in America is causing record-high overdose deaths, impacting people across all backgrounds.
  3. Concerns about Biden's age and the Democrats' shift in attitude towards his ability to run for reelection are becoming more openly discussed.
Unsettled Science β€’ 522 implied HN points β€’ 12 Mar 24
  1. Experts suggest that ultra-processed foods may have addictive qualities due to their combination of sugar, salt, and fat, similar to how tobacco affects addiction.
  2. Food addiction research has developed tools like the Yale Food Addiction Scale to understand dependencies on specific nutrients like sugar, sugar-plus-fat, and carbohydrates-plus-fat.
  3. Debates continue on whether food addiction is due to behavioral disorders or physiological dependencies, with ongoing discussions about the impact of food processing on addiction.
Common Sense with Bari Weiss β€’ 389 implied HN points β€’ 13 Mar 24
  1. Americans have shown strong support for the federal legalization of marijuana, with 70% in favor, up from 50% in 2013 and 12% in 1969.
  2. Studies indicate that marijuana use, whether through smoking, edibles, or vapes, is associated with health risks such as a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, and even cannabis-induced psychosis.
  3. Since the legalization of recreational marijuana in some states, there has been a rise in marijuana use, with potential negative impacts, including addiction, adverse effects on mental health, and increased risks to physical health.
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The Frontier Psychiatrists β€’ 471 implied HN points β€’ 10 Feb 24
  1. The author shares a heartbreaking story of his sister's struggles with addiction and mental health issues, leading to her tragic death.
  2. The importance of family support and forgiveness during difficult times is highlighted in the narrative.
  3. The impact of childhood trauma, like being given up for adoption, on a person's life and mental health is explored through the author's personal reflection.
Are You Okay? β€’ 1897 implied HN points β€’ 30 Oct 23
  1. Giving up alcohol can improve sleep, mood, and sense of agency.
  2. Taking a break from alcohol can help reevaluate its impact on various aspects of health, including behavioral, emotional, cognitive, and physical.
  3. Consider the benefits of alcohol you can't live without before deciding to join in giving up alcohol for a period.
Samstack β€’ 1114 implied HN points β€’ 25 Oct 23
  1. There are various drugs like Naltrexone and Antabuse aimed at helping with alcoholism, but their effectiveness is limited and some findings are questionable.
  2. Most alcoholics who successfully stop drinking do so without any formal treatment, suggesting treatment efficacy may not be as high as expected.
  3. Alcoholics Anonymous, CBT, and other therapies may help, but their impact on recovery is small and success rates are fairly significant even without treatment.
Polymathic Being β€’ 68 implied HN points β€’ 10 Mar 24
  1. Personal agency is key in resisting external influences and making independent choices.
  2. Addiction can extend beyond traditional vices like drugs and alcohol to include positive behaviors as well.
  3. Past attempts at regulation, like Prohibition and the War on Drugs, have often failed, highlighting the importance of personal agency in combating addiction.
L'Atelier Galita β€’ 157 implied HN points β€’ 09 Feb 24
  1. It's important to challenge the societal pressure around drinking and redefine what is considered normal.
  2. Alcohol consumption is often normalized and even encouraged in social settings, but it's essential to recognize the potential harms and not fall into the trap of group pressure.
  3. There is a spectrum of alcohol consumption, and it's crucial to understand that less alcohol is always better for health, rather than categorizing people as either alcoholics or normal drinkers.
The Rectangle β€’ 113 implied HN points β€’ 16 Feb 24
  1. Avoid looking at your phone first thing in the morning and last thing at night to resist the urge of always being on it.
  2. Limit social media usage to around 30 minutes a day to balance benefits like information and connection without negative effects like depression or anxiety.
  3. Using features like Screen Time on Apple devices can help manage screen time by setting daily limits on specific apps, fostering better usage habits.
Both Are True β€’ 543 implied HN points β€’ 07 Nov 23
  1. Many of us hate being constantly on social media but find it hard to stop.
  2. Our constant need for achievement and validation online can lead to anxiety and a sense of never doing enough.
  3. Taking breaks from social media and setting boundaries with technology can help regain self-control and focus on other fulfilling activities.
Resident Contrarian β€’ 1627 implied HN points β€’ 28 Mar 23
  1. Be cautious of using escapism as a way to avoid facing real life challenges or responsibilities.
  2. Escapism, like through video games or fantasy scenarios, can be alluring but may not help with real-world problems.
  3. Ensure that activities like watching sports or playing games serve as a healthy escape, not a constant avoidance of reality.
Are You Okay? β€’ 299 implied HN points β€’ 01 Dec 23
  1. Consider the impact of alcohol on your sleep, mood, physical health, and relationships to evaluate whether you may benefit from a break from drinking.
  2. Individuals may turn to substances like alcohol and marijuana due to anxiety and stress, but seeking help and being honest with oneself is key to addressing any substance use issues.
  3. Supporting a sober spouse involves open communication, understanding one's boundaries, and seeking help from resources like Al-Anon for loved ones of individuals in recovery.
The Joyous Struggle β€’ 434 implied HN points β€’ 30 Aug 23
  1. People drink alcohol to reduce associations in their minds, helping them live in the present and elevate mood by weakening neural connections.
  2. Alcohol can facilitate an escape from self-consciousness, leading to unmediated connections with others, but it may also cause cognitive narrowing and self-centeredness.
  3. Drinking alcohol is intertwined with breaking taboos, often influenced by cultural perceptions, and can offer a glimpse of unity and transcendence, providing a shared spiritual experience.
The Leftovers β€’ 339 implied HN points β€’ 26 Sep 23
  1. Social media platforms are becoming more controlled and less beneficial for users, focusing on their own interests over user experience.
  2. Engaging with social media under the current algorithmic control can limit meaningful conversations and activism efforts, potentially leading to addiction.
  3. The idea of an unmediated life, free of constant sharing and social media influence, raises questions about our connection to solitude and emptiness.
Creative Destruction β€’ 32 implied HN points β€’ 23 Feb 24
  1. Acknowledging the need for help and motivation are crucial in starting the rehabilitation process for humanity's addiction
  2. Current activist movements may need to shift focus from guilt and fear to understanding and addressing the deep-seated needs driving destructive behaviors
  3. Presenting enjoyable visions of a future that genuinely satisfies these deep-seated needs can motivate and guide people towards a virtuous cycle of healing and positive change
Are You Okay? β€’ 1078 implied HN points β€’ 03 Jan 23
  1. Alcohol use can have negative effects on our bodies and minds, even if it seems pleasurable in the moment.
  2. The appropriate amount of alcohol to drink varies for each person, and self-awareness is crucial in evaluating alcohol consumption.
  3. Identifying and addressing the underlying reasons for drinking, such as uncomfortable emotions or bodily sensations, is important to develop healthier habits.
Unreported Truths β€’ 61 implied HN points β€’ 23 Jan 24
  1. Drug use, gambling, and certain kinds of sex are not moral neutrals and can easily lead to despair.
  2. America is facing challenges like declining life expectancy, preventable deaths, and social issues like lesser rates of marriage and having children.
  3. Stronger drugs, widespread gambling, and push for non-traditional relationships are causing harm and escalating societal issues.
Are You Okay? β€’ 439 implied HN points β€’ 14 Jul 23
  1. Treating substance abuse requires a comprehensive approach that addresses unique factors like genetics, behavior, and situations. Medications like Vivitrol (Naltrexone) can be effective in preventing relapse by blocking the effects of substances on the brain.
  2. The link between Diet Coke (containing aspartame) and cancer risk isn't definitively established. Recently, the World Health Organization mentioned a potential association, but more research is needed to confirm this connection.
  3. Supporting a loved one through substance abuse treatment involves holistic care, including counseling, behavioral therapies, and lifestyle adjustments. It's crucial to tackle underlying issues like trauma for long-term recovery.
The Broccoli Report β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 09 Feb 24
  1. The nicotine industry is evolving with new products like Zyn pouches that appeal to a wellness-focused generation and provide stronger nicotine doses than cigarettes.
  2. Zyn's popularity among young adults has raised concerns about underage use and addiction, leading to calls for federal oversight in response to its rapid sales growth.
  3. There are valuable lessons for the cannabis industry to learn from the oral fixation trend seen with products like Zyn, as well as important considerations when dealing with addictive substances.
Deep Fix β€’ 452 implied HN points β€’ 23 Jun 23
  1. Focus on sharing updates, offers, and engaging with readers on platforms like Substack.
  2. Engage in impactful work such as running a non-profit addiction program and leading a men's group for personal growth.
  3. Offer coaching services and explore topics like predictive processing, sincerity, and Hakomi somatic psychology.
Unreported Truths β€’ 54 implied HN points β€’ 18 Jan 24
  1. British Columbia's program of providing legal medical prescriptions for opioids to addicts as a harm reduction strategy has led to a catastrophic increase in overdose hospitalizations and deaths.
  2. Harm reduction strategies, such as naloxone availability and supervised consumption sites, implemented in British Columbia have not been effective in reducing opioid overdose deaths.
  3. The failure of harm reduction strategies in British Columbia highlights the need for societies to control drug use by highlighting harms and making users legally responsible.