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The Honest Broker Newsletter 1089 implied HN points 18 Mar 24
  1. One strategy in science partisanship is to associate opponents with unpopular political figures to discredit their views without engaging with the substance.
  2. Another strategy is to argue that certain debates are harmful to scientific goals, leading to avoiding critique that might impact funding or research opportunities.
  3. Partisanship in science can also involve associating legitimate arguments with totally unacceptable views, like labeling individuals with terms that discredit their opinions.
Common Sense with Bari Weiss 5499 implied HN points 26 Jul 23
  1. The author was fired from their job at _The Seattle Times_ after a Twitter post comparing Lenin and Hitler, leading to accusations of defending Hitler.
  2. The author's work as a journalist focused on stories of structural oppression in Asia, including sexism and neo-Nazi trends, driven by personal family history.
  3. The situation highlights the challenges of engaging in divisive discussions online and the impact of social media controversies on personal and professional life.
Read Max 3011 implied HN points 05 Jun 23
  1. There's a prediction that a pro-smoking discourse backed by socio-political identities is gaining momentum.
  2. Historically, contrarian arguments in favor of smoking have existed but are now potentially resurfacing in various circles.
  3. The potential pro-smoking coalition includes The Intellectual Dark Web, cool downtown art and scene kids, and 'trad' health and lifestyle influencers.
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The Leftovers 119 implied HN points 15 Jan 24
  1. The state of the world results from cruelty being under-reported, questioning the impact of words on changing world events.
  2. Propaganda manipulates truth, and people tend to recognize it more easily when it comes from the opposing side.
  3. Consuming one's own propaganda can weaken their position due to gullibility and uncritical acceptance.
Dreams in the Which House 39 implied HN points 20 Jul 23
  1. The discourse around cancel culture is well-established and transfers easily across different contexts.
  2. For certain audiences, the fear of cancel culture can dissolve democratic antinomies in a temporary and aesthetic way.
  3. The discourse on cancel culture hovers between incompatible poles, claiming both simultaneously by constructing an opposing 'culture' that few affirmatively identify with.
Tom Thought 19 implied HN points 02 May 23
  1. Cities have different approaches to free speech: some prioritize open expression even if offensive, while others value avoidance of offense.
  2. Freedom of speech is shaped by cultural norms more than legal rules, requiring a balance between expression and consequences.
  3. Creating spaces for healthy discourse involves balancing free expression with a commitment to fostering diverse ideas and viewpoints.