The American Peasant

The American Peasant Substack combines insights on woodworking, craftsmanship, and the philosophy of making things with a focus on peasant furniture and the importance of handcraft in the modern world. It addresses the challenges and rewards of writing, selling, and crafting, while emphasizing integrity, creativity, and the value of traditional skills.

Woodworking Craftsmanship Furniture Design Creative Writing Publishing Self-Improvement Tool Use and Selection Cultural Traditions

The hottest Substack posts of The American Peasant

And their main takeaways
2201 implied HN points 11 Feb 24
  1. Kale's story highlights the importance of having the right tools in woodworking that will last a lifetime without needing upgrades.
  2. Investing in high-quality, durable tools from the start can save time and money in the long run.
  3. Choosing tools based on functionality and quality over aesthetics or price can lead to better long-term satisfaction and efficiency in woodworking.
2417 implied HN points 04 Feb 24
  1. When buying wood, focus on the specific boards you need for your project instead of just calculating board feet.
  2. Selecting the right boards with suitable grains is more important than just buying a certain amount of board feet.
  3. For projects like building a chair, knowing the specific dimensions and grain requirements of the boards you need is crucial.
3144 implied HN points 08 Jan 24
  1. The book 'The American Peasant' sheds light on overlooked peasant furniture forms from Europe.
  2. The furniture pieces are unique in form, construction, finish, and embellishment.
  3. Traditional European peasant culture was skilled, fastidious, and proud, with everyday objects beautifully embellished.
2063 implied HN points 01 Feb 24
  1. Stick with the metal friction guides for your band saw, avoid upgrading to bearing guides.
  2. Skip the tension-release gizmos unless you have arthritis; they introduce complexity and can break.
  3. Upgrade throat plates to zero-clearance ones for better performance and minimize scrap getting jammed.
1690 implied HN points 10 Feb 24
  1. Trust antique designs in woodworking for sturdy results.
  2. Leaving appropriate toolmarks on furniture can add personal charm and enjoyment.
  3. Consider the thickness of breadboards in woodworking projects to ensure durability and function.
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1827 implied HN points 03 Feb 24
  1. Woodworking books that focus on building birdhouses are the most profitable.
  2. Books on beautiful furniture projects, skill-building, or wood properties are not top sellers in woodworking publishing.
  3. Creating unique and unconventional birdhouse designs can be an interesting and potentially profitable idea.
2673 implied HN points 07 Jan 24
  1. The book 'The American Peasant' explores woodworking beyond just the craft itself.
  2. Woodworking has a rich history that extends to different cultures worldwide.
  3. Encouragement for more woodworkers to appreciate the diversity of woodwork traditions.
1356 implied HN points 27 Jan 24
  1. Critique designs before building them to improve and refine the final product
  2. Seek feedback from knowledgeable individuals to gain different perspectives and ideas
  3. Encourage and focus on positive aspects when critiquing finished pieces to motivate continued improvement
4894 implied HN points 02 Oct 23
  1. Receiving hate mail comes with the territory of writing, but it's important to not let it affect you deeply.
  2. Facing criticism can lead to self-reflection and acknowledgment of personal flaws, but it's crucial to avoid bitterness and resentment.
  3. Maintaining a mindset of recognizing one's own faults helps prevent holding grudges and promotes self-awareness.
2830 implied HN points 26 Nov 23
  1. The author shares a personal experience with mushrooms that sparked creative ideas for furniture design.
  2. The author draws inspiration from Eastern European folk furniture and spells for his designs.
  3. The concept of 'peasant' is discussed in relation to growing inequality and societal structures.
2653 implied HN points 23 Nov 23
  1. The writer is working on his last big project, a book involving building projects and writing, aiming to finish by Dec. 31.
  2. Engravings on a coffer represent the writer's life story from childhood to present, each decade captured with meaningful details.
  3. The vertical dimension on the coffer's legs signifies time, with hourglasses and distinct segments representing different stages of the writer's life.
3341 implied HN points 07 Oct 23
  1. The importance of relentless creativity and hard work ethic in shaping beautiful environments and objects.
  2. Lessons learned from observing a father's determination to create despite physical limitations.
  3. Creating a legacy of making the world more beautiful through craftsmanship and dedication.
4029 implied HN points 10 Sep 23
  1. Focus on one thing and let all your activities feed into it.
  2. If you want to sell your products, you need to enjoy the selling process.
  3. Ensure that all your activities are related to your main focus.
2673 implied HN points 28 Sep 23
  1. Buy amazing lumber when you find it and can afford it.
  2. Buy core tools that enchant you and consider having a backup tool for important ones.
  3. Buy woodworking books you love when they are first released as they can increase in value over time.
3085 implied HN points 03 Sep 23
  1. Sometimes, declining generous offers can have consequences.
  2. The author reflects on the dilemma of accepting gifts from those they write about.
  3. Maintaining journalistic integrity can be challenging but essential.
2633 implied HN points 26 Aug 23
  1. Making high-quality tools doesn't make you rich.
  2. Consider the value of your time when choosing between quality tools and cheap alternatives.
  3. Supporting makers of nice tools is supporting a challenging way to make a living.
2987 implied HN points 04 Jun 23
  1. Authors often write books not just for money but to share their message with the world.
  2. Writing a book can be a way to express strong emotions or take a stand on important issues.
  3. Despite challenges like low royalties, some authors continue to write books out of passion and determination.
2771 implied HN points 04 May 23
  1. Commercial woodworking jigs often promise shortcuts but can be frustrating and limit creativity in the long run.
  2. Using simple, handmade woodworking tools can be more versatile and cost-effective than investing in complex commercial jigs.
  3. New woodworkers should focus on developing their skills rather than relying heavily on expensive jigs that may not ultimately fulfill their needs.
2751 implied HN points 07 May 23
  1. Shakers and Amish are different religious sects with unique woodworking traditions.
  2. Amish craftsmanship varies and includes a wide range of furniture styles.
  3. Shakers were a celibate sect with a distinct furniture style rooted in British design.
2692 implied HN points 15 Apr 23
  1. Always try to open the door when someone knocks, you might be surprised at who is there and how they can help you.
  2. Be kind and helpful to those in need, whether they are experiencing homelessness or not.
  3. Small acts of kindness, like opening your front door, can be reminders to stay human and connected to your community.
34 HN points 09 Oct 23
  1. Design Rule No. 1: Work with the materials you have and exploit them fully.
  2. Design Rule No. 2: Create a mental encyclopedia of forms and details that inspire you.
  3. It's hard to train our eyes to see beautiful forms or remember gorgeous details.