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Top Education Topics
Culture Study 2821 implied HN points 11 Feb 24
  1. Detracking in education is a process that aims to reverse the ways students are grouped into different educational pathways, addressing systemic injustices.
  2. The harm of tracking can lead to racial and socioeconomic disparities in education, impacting opportunities for college and overall school experience.
  3. Challenges in detracking include the resistance from educators and parents, as well as the need for training and support to create more inclusive and diverse classroom environments.
The Recovering Academic 356 implied HN points 14 Feb 23
  1. Positive thinking originated as an antidote to Puritanism and is about trying to think positively as a practice or discipline.
  2. In academia, positive thinking can enable gaslighting where university leaders may manipulate or undermine faculty concerns to align with their personal visions.
  3. Negative thinking, while often seen in a bad light, can be essential for seeking truth and survival by challenging assumptions and serving as a tool for vigilantly assessing reality.
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Joshua Gans' Newsletter 0 implied HN points 12 Feb 21
  1. Online education allows professors to scale and reach more students, but the reality is different from the initial hype.
  2. A story of a student unknowingly learning from a deceased professor emphasizes the challenges of discerning if a professor is alive or not in online classes.
  3. Universities might need to be more transparent about the faculty's status to avoid potential long-term issues, like unintentionally paying a deceased professor for years.