The hottest Celebrations Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Moly’s Substack 157 implied HN points 11 Feb 24
  1. Preparation for Chinese New Year in different regions within China and within families varies significantly, showcasing unique traditions and customs.
  2. Chinese New Year celebrations involve rituals like thorough cleaning, decorative setups, shopping for new clothes, and preparing special food like dumplings and pork jelly.
  3. Family interactions during Chinese New Year include the exchange of red pockets, offering prayers at temples or at home, and making New Year offerings to ancestors.
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Counting Atoms 58 implied HN points 01 Feb 24
  1. The author discusses their dislike for taunting and toxicity in sports, especially with the example of the Ravens player's taunting leading to a penalty
  2. The author points out the inconsistency in denouncing toxic behavior in some contexts, but celebrating it in sports like NFL taunting
  3. The author expresses their resigned acceptance of being out of step with the sports world on their views about taunting
The Global Jigsaw 19 implied HN points 11 Sep 23
  1. Public holidays around the world can provide insights into a country's culture, history, and societal values.
  2. In Japan, public holidays like 'Coming-of-Age Day' and 'Respect for the Elderly Day' reflect traditions, aging demographics, and societal changes.
  3. Celebrating diversity in public holidays can enhance cultural understanding and appreciation.