The hottest Customer success Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Business Topics
The Beautiful Mess 264 implied HN points 18 Dec 24
  1. Traditional ways of identifying ideal customers, like just looking at company size or industry, aren't enough anymore. It's important to understand the specific needs and behaviors of different companies.
  2. When starting a new job, it's crucial to listen and learn from others instead of jumping to conclusions. Take your time to understand what actually matters for the product and the customers.
  3. Different organizations have unique ways of working, and it's vital to grasp those differences. Observing and talking to customers helps create better products that cater to their specific challenges and goals.
Good Better Best 5 implied HN points 10 Jan 25
  1. Superhuman started with a single $30/month price to differentiate itself in a crowded email market. This pricing strategy boosted user activation since customers felt the need to get their money's worth.
  2. Their pricing evolved from a simple model to three tiered options, tailored to different user needs. This change aimed for simplicity while capturing diverse customer groups effectively.
  3. To smoothly transition customers to new pricing, Superhuman focused on research, planning, and transparency. They allowed a grace period for existing customers to adjust, which helped them maintain customer trust.
EarlyGTM | Craft Ventures 117 implied HN points 31 May 23
  1. Generative AI will have profound impacts on the economy, but won't replace sales professionals soon due to the complex nature of sales cycles.
  2. The intricate steps of the sales cycle require human guidance to avoid 'lossiness' between interactions that AI cannot manage effectively yet.
  3. AI can assist in sales processes, but trust in human sellers is essential for revenue goals, as AI lacks the social, nuanced aspects crucial in high-stakes sales.
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Build Startup In Public 2 HN points 15 Apr 24
  1. Data scientists should not just focus on algorithms. They need to understand the business to make a real impact.
  2. Data science can improve many areas of a business, like marketing and customer service. It's important to use their skills effectively.
  3. Hiring 'business' data scientists is crucial. Teams should look for candidates who can think beyond just data and algorithms.