The hottest Medieval Substack posts right now

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Wrong Side of History β€’ 612 implied HN points β€’ 14 Feb 24
  1. Medieval ideas of love were heavily tied to social status and arranged marriages; noble marriages were often for financial or dynastic reasons, not love.
  2. The Catholic Church's emphasis on consent in marriage was revolutionary, allowing individuals to marry by choice rather than parental arrangement.
  3. The Church's rules on cousin marriage and restrictions on marrying relatives promoted individualism by breaking down extended family structures, paving the way for modern ideas of romantic freedom.
History, etc β€’ 1081 implied HN points β€’ 31 Oct 23
  1. A chronicler visits a French castle and encounters strange events and stories.
  2. The count of Foix has a mysterious ability to know things instantly, possibly thanks to a ghost named Orton.
  3. Raymond, a lord from a neighboring land, strikes a deal with the ghost Orton, leading to unexpected consequences.
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weird medieval guys β€’ 1395 implied HN points β€’ 02 Aug 23
  1. The history of medieval monks living on top of pillars goes back to the mid-third century with figures like Anthony
  2. Monasticism evolved from early hermit communities to more permanent monasteries, but some monks like Simeon Stylites continued extreme isolation on pillars
  3. Living on pillars was a challenging lifestyle with atrophied legs, but it spread widely across the Middle East and was popular for a while before declining
Maximum Progress β€’ 314 implied HN points β€’ 26 Oct 23
  1. Medieval peasants had more time off due to frequent breaks, long holidays, and seasonal slow downs in paid farm labor.
  2. Comparing work hours between medieval and modern times may not be accurate as the nature of work and leisure is different.
  3. Historia Civilis' analysis overlooks the harsh realities of medieval life, including torture by landlords and mandatory household chores.
Autoscriptorium β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 19 Feb 23
  1. Certain human principles like justice may seem inevitable, and there is a satisfaction in poetic justice.
  2. Dante's _Commedia_ intricately weaves together theology, history, and philosophy, creating a unique map of Hell and a spiritual journey.
  3. The medieval model of the universe, as seen in Dante's work, portrays Earth at the center surrounded by celestial spheres, demonstrating a cosmic order and divine influence.