Money in Transit

Money in Transit explores the intersection of technology, software development, and the payments industry. It discusses challenges and opportunities in payment systems, the impact of technological advancements, and strategies for improving communication and efficiency between engineers and the business side of fintech. The content ranges from technical discussions on programming and databases to broader insights on innovation and industry trends.

Payment Systems Software Development Fintech Innovation Engineering Communication Technology Trends Business Strategies Digital Security Industry Analysis

The hottest Substack posts of Money in Transit

And their main takeaways
58 implied HN points 04 Jan 24
  1. Gumroad might be missing out on a $100 million opportunity by not leveraging creators' transactions within the platform efficiently.
  2. Digital wallets could revolutionize Gumroad's business model, allowing for direct transactions and lower fees for creators.
  3. Gumroad's pricing structure change indicates a need to evolve in the face of rising competition and changing economic landscapes.
39 implied HN points 11 Jan 24
  1. Blockchain technology can be used for enforcing social contracts like promises of future payments.
  2. Payments are essentially promises of money exchange, conveyed in various ways, including through checks.
  3. The engineering mindset behind the development of checks engineered modern payment systems.
19 implied HN points 08 Jan 24
  1. Tokenization is a powerful way to reduce costs and secure card payments by isolating parts of payment applications for PCI compliance.
  2. Tokens are non-exploitable and require a vault to store the actual data, providing security in case of a breach.
  3. Using Tokenization as a Service providers can strengthen a startup's position by avoiding vendor lock-in and enhancing pricing power.
39 implied HN points 09 Oct 23
  1. Software engineering is not inherently more difficult than other professions like medicine or law.
  2. Effective communication with software engineers can be facilitated by using frameworks like The Spreadsheet Analogy and the Given-When-Then method.
  3. Communication breakdowns between engineers and non-engineers can be bridged by understanding software engineering concepts and speaking a shared language.
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19 implied HN points 01 Dec 23
  1. The book 'The Databases of Money' is now live
  2. The book is a mix of previous newsletter content and new payment landscape insights
  3. Author plans to share more about the writing process in a future post
19 implied HN points 16 Oct 23
  1. Payment applications need to focus on serving users well, not just at a large scale.
  2. Design documents are crucial for creating software that aligns with the needs of the payment domain.
  3. Building payment applications requires careful planning and considerations due to the complexity of handling transactions and data.
19 implied HN points 14 Aug 23
  1. Credit cards offer flexibility in payment not provided by cash or checks.
  2. Card transactions go through initialization, authorization, and capture stages for security and efficiency.
  3. Companies like Visa and Mastercard simplify transactions by connecting merchants with various banks.
0 implied HN points 23 Oct 23
  1. Different payment providers are constantly innovating and competing with traditional credit card schemes like Visa and Mastercard.
  2. Building resilient payment systems involves anticipating and mitigating potential outages from third party providers.
  3. Engineering payment systems correctly provides a better understanding of customer behavior and improves fraud detection capabilities.
0 implied HN points 25 Sep 23
  1. Developers might be hesitant about using state machines because they could lead to complex and tech-debt heavy implementations
  2. State machines are difficult to change and can complicate handling transitions, making it challenging to maintain
  3. Focusing on events rather than states can be a more effective approach in software development
0 implied HN points 13 Nov 23
  1. The distribution of roles in industries can change over time, creating 'The Suits Gap'.
  2. In the tech industry, focusing on synthesis and persuasion skills can be more valuable than just technical knowledge.
  3. To stay relevant in a changing landscape, engineers need to develop business acumen and strategic thinking.
0 implied HN points 23 Jan 24
  1. Understanding the separation of orders and payments is crucial for developing useful payment applications.
  2. When building payment applications, ensure past orders and payments are unaffected by future changes in products and variants.
  3. Invoices notify about payments, receipts prove payments; keep both immutable and associated with an order.
0 implied HN points 28 Jul 23
  1. Enterprise software often relies on Command Line Interfaces (CLIs) due to the flexibility and efficiency they offer.
  2. Fragmentation in the airline industry is increasing, with airlines pushing back against centralized systems like GDSs.
  3. Online travel agencies (OTAs) need to adapt by growing, focusing on the customer experience, and collaborating with airlines to navigate the challenges of data collection and industry fragmentation.