The False Consensus Effect

The False Consensus Effect Substack explores a wide range of topics from personal reflections on art, life, and relationships to critiques of society, politics, and the art industry. Themes include the impact of propaganda, the process of creating art, living minimally, and questioning societal norms and structures.

Art and Creativity Personal Reflections Societal Critique Politics and Governance Minimalism and Lifestyle Health and Wellness Technology and Digital Art History and Heritage

The hottest Substack posts of The False Consensus Effect

And their main takeaways
39 implied HN points β€’ 04 Oct 22
  1. The post discusses the concept that anything threatening one's survival can be considered an enemy.
  2. The author expresses frustration towards government decisions and the prioritization of weapons over social issues like homelessness.
  3. There is a reflection on feeling isolated in a society that may be considered insane by those who seek sanity and compassion.
59 implied HN points β€’ 15 Apr 22
  1. Try nose breathing for the entire day: It can have positive health effects like reducing snoring and aiding weight loss.
  2. Question routine medical procedures: Colonoscopies, while beneficial for some, may not be necessary for everyone and can be pricey.
  3. Embrace diversity and inclusivity: Expressing commitment to social justice, equality, and education can help create a more just world for all.
19 implied HN points β€’ 22 Feb 23
  1. The author has built a new affordable website and is reaching out to millionaires for support in selling paintings and books.
  2. The author expresses a desire to connect with wealthy individuals to purchase artwork to support themselves and their partner emotionally and financially.
  3. The author emphasizes the importance of painting more and aims for high-end sales to avoid financial struggles.
19 implied HN points β€’ 26 Feb 23
  1. The text discusses a vision of a harmonious world where all species work together for mutual completion and survival, contrasting it with the current competitive market personalities of humans.
  2. The piece explores the significance of Stuckism in the arts, emphasizing themes of fulfillment, communion, and the need to move away from individual perfection towards unity and shared ideas in art.
  3. The post highlights the work and philosophy of artist Edgeworth Johnstone, focusing on his impact on bringing life energy to the world and advocating for celebrating life-giving creativity over wasteful market trends.
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19 implied HN points β€’ 12 Feb 23
  1. Valentine's Moon celebrates love and the temporary nature of life, promoting a moment of release and contentment.
  2. The text delves into the impact and significance of early love and courting experiences, suggesting a need to reclaim the poetic joy found in those relationships.
  3. The author ponders the influence of societal norms and the modern world on love and happiness, advocating for a reconnection with romantic love and wisdom.
59 implied HN points β€’ 19 Mar 22
  1. The art industry is often influenced by cronyism and corporate models, leading to a disconnect between artists and genuine artistic expression
  2. To combat cronyism in art, there are solutions like boycotting third-party galleries and fostering local artist communities
  3. Artists should focus on creating genuine connections, nurturing local art scenes, and prioritizing artistic expression over corporate influence
59 implied HN points β€’ 06 Mar 22
  1. March is mentioned as a reflective and somber time to ponder human nature and societal issues, particularly around violence and power dynamics.
  2. The text discusses societal divisions and the impact of propaganda, consumerism, and tribalism on American society, questioning the true enemies in the system.
  3. There's a call for accountability, highlighting the need to address issues like inequality and the role of the powerful elite in shaping societal norms and policies.
19 implied HN points β€’ 29 Jan 23
  1. The post delves deep into geopolitics, global racism, and nuclear threats, urging readers to imagine the consequences of such conflicts.
  2. It discusses a new perspective on religion, introducing the concept of 'God-Nuclear' as a force that transcends traditional beliefs and emphasizes the power of nuclear weaponry.
  3. The text invites reflection on spirituality and human existence in the face of potential global annihilation, encouraging a focus on love, compassion, and making the most out of life.
19 implied HN points β€’ 15 Jan 23
  1. The artist painted microscopic proteases for a chemistry lab, creating Pacman-like images that were well-received by the lab founder.
  2. The artist, though not a graphic designer, was able to produce paintings that impressed the lab founder and received positive feedback.
  3. The artist's journey into writing and art reflects his desire for originality and recognition in the creative world, drawing inspiration from historical figures and personal experiences.
19 implied HN points β€’ 15 Oct 22
  1. Artist/Administrator Ron Throop is dedicating a year to volunteer work at the local art association, balancing art and administrative duties to enhance community engagement.
  2. Throop is using an artist/administrator residency to raise funds for gallery upgrades through a solo exhibition of 50 recent paintings.
  3. The artist's paintings during the residency focus on various subjects like eyes, personal encounters, and imaginary creatures, showcasing his creative exploration.
39 implied HN points β€’ 06 Feb 22
  1. The text discusses the power of propaganda and how it influences opinions and perceptions, emphasizing the impact of repeated messaging.
  2. There is a strong critique of nuclear weapons, highlighting their destructive potential and the author's belief in the urgency of addressing this global threat.
  3. The author expresses skepticism and criticism towards political leaders, particularly focusing on their role in conflict and perpetuation of harmful ideologies.
39 implied HN points β€’ 21 Dec 21
  1. The text reflects on the impact of a book about money, credit, and capitalism, encouraging readers to seek ways to self-absolve debt and rethink their financial actions.
  2. The post includes a nostalgic reflection on family history, traditions, and the impact of economic shifts on local communities over time.
  3. There are links to holiday essays, high-resolution images for printing, and a message of spreading love and camaraderie for the festive season.
19 implied HN points β€’ 10 Aug 22
  1. Late summer and autumn are a favorite time for exhibitions and artistic expression, creating a sense of community and emotional readiness for the upcoming indoor season.
  2. The author reflects on the concepts of cause and effect, Vedanta philosophy, and the interconnectedness of everything in the universe, striving to find contentment and deeper meaning.
  3. The importance of reducing duress in life, embracing personal power, and acknowledging the illusion of societal constructs, while advocating for a deeper connection to nature and all living things.
39 implied HN points β€’ 26 Oct 21
  1. Human storytelling is unique among species, offering a blend of blessing and curse.
  2. NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are a way for rich individuals to invest and make money, with high values placed on digital art.
  3. The process of creating and selling NFTs involves cryptocurrency platforms and auctions, presenting both challenges and opportunities for profit.
39 implied HN points β€’ 30 Aug 21
  1. The post celebrates achieving a significant milestone of earning a paycheck from creative endeavors that surpasses earnings from traditional wage slavery.
  2. The accomplishment is marked as notable progress after 13 years of working part and full time in the arts industry.
  3. The author reflects on the financial aspects of their art sales, particularly highlighting the significance of earning $550 in a week, marking a positive milestone.
59 implied HN points β€’ 10 Nov 20
  1. The post discusses the French Revolution and hints at delving into its complexities.
  2. The author mentions having French heritage through his wife and their band's music.
  3. There is a mention of recording a song in a French garage with France scenery in the video.
39 implied HN points β€’ 14 May 21
  1. Art is not for sale as a commodity; it should continue beyond the sale and be a process that the buyer engages in.
  2. Consider boycotting products that support causes you do not agree with, like Sabra hummus supporting Israeli military bosses.
  3. Engage in practical actions, like supporting political candidates aligned with your values, to address issues you are passionate about, such as challenging Apartheid.
39 implied HN points β€’ 07 May 21
  1. The author shares stories and reflections on the importance of cooking and experimenting with food, even when living on a tight budget.
  2. A review of a French restaurant in Cahors showcases the author's experience with slow-food culture and traditional French cuisine.
  3. The author provides a glimpse into personal memories and encounters, illustrating a blend of food, travel, and self-discovery.
19 implied HN points β€’ 07 Apr 22
  1. The author shares a personal story of their terrifying experience during a painting trip to France where their head felt like it exploded, but they found that it was a common syndrome called Exploding Head Syndrome.
  2. The author is excited about being granted an opportunity to create 25-30 paintings for an exhibition to explore the theme of freedom, play, and power through art.
  3. The author reflects on the importance of living in the present moment as a painter, describing the process of abstracting old paintings and embracing the temporary insanity of spring fever.
39 implied HN points β€’ 16 Apr 21
  1. Climate change is a pressing issue with scientists warning about the consequences of global warming and carbon emissions.
  2. Individual actions, like reducing plastic waste in daily habits, have an impact on the environment and future of the planet.
  3. Building strong communities and working together as clans or groups may be essential for a sustainable future amidst the challenges of a changing world.
19 implied HN points β€’ 24 Feb 22
  1. Sometimes, artists struggle with the challenges of taking on commissioned work, as it can change their creative process and compromise their artistic values.
  2. Pricing art can be a complex and delicate task, involving considerations of time, materials, and the artist's worth.
  3. Artists often face the dilemma of balancing financial needs with the desire for artistic freedom and expression, which can lead to difficult decisions in their artistic journey.
19 implied HN points β€’ 19 Feb 22
  1. Running for political office can be overwhelming and challenging, especially trying to balance the needs of a large constituency.
  2. Expressing oneself through art and creativity can be a rewarding aspect of a failed political campaign.
  3. Recognizing the limitations of governmental responsibility is crucial, as managing society's health is an almost impossible task for any individual.
39 implied HN points β€’ 15 Jan 21
  1. The post discusses the events surrounding the Capitol riot on January 6, highlighting the insurrection, sedition, and impeachment of a U.S. President and lawmakers.
  2. The author reflects on the art world, critiquing the influence of money and power in auctions and the value of artwork compared to the intentions of the artists.
  3. Effective altruism and the debate around the impact of creating art versus supporting charitable causes are explored, with strong criticisms towards the idea of art being considered frivolous in the face of global suffering.
19 implied HN points β€’ 08 Jan 22
  1. The theme of failure in business is a common thread throughout the text, emphasizing the challenges and pressure associated with it.
  2. The importance of pursuing art without solely focusing on profit, as highlighted through references to Thoreau's philosophy and personal experiences.
  3. Reflections on the past and the impact of great thinkers like Thoreau, contrasting it with modern society's values and behaviors.
39 implied HN points β€’ 25 Dec 20
  1. Van Morrison's actions during the pandemic have sparked controversy and criticism, particularly regarding his stance on live performances and financial support for struggling artists in the music industry.
  2. The disparity in wealth among musicians, with a select few earning immense amounts while the majority struggle to make a living, highlights broader issues within the music industry in terms of financial stability and support.
  3. The story of the man and the berry bush serves as a cautionary tale about selfishness and the consequences of prioritizing personal gain over the well-being of others.
19 implied HN points β€’ 31 Dec 21
  1. The author reflects on the interconnectedness of all life and the need to focus on what truly matters, beyond material possessions and capitalist nightmares.
  2. The author discusses the impact of personal actions on the environment, highlighting the importance of making conscious decisions to reduce one's carbon footprint.
  3. The author advocates for a shift in societal norms and governmental regulations to address climate change, emphasizing the urgency of collective action and sacrifices to prevent further environmental degradation.
39 implied HN points β€’ 20 Nov 20
  1. Know your ancestry: Understanding your ancestors and their lives can provide valuable insights into your own identity and heritage.
  2. Reconsider modern norms: Question societal norms and trends, such as the culture of entertainment or the fear-based mindset, to ensure personal values align with a deeper sense of purpose.
  3. Learn from the past: Looking back on the wisdom and struggles of past generations can offer lessons on sustainability, community, and family, guiding decisions for future well-being and progress.
19 implied HN points β€’ 09 Dec 21
  1. The exhibition faced financial challenges, selling 13 paintings but not covering costs adequately, highlighting the struggle of making money in creative endeavors.
  2. The support of Bill, a generous business owner, led to opportunities and recognition for Ron, demonstrating the value of unexpected connections and kindness.
  3. Ron embraces a hand-to-mouth existence, preferring a simple life focused on creativity and optimism over financial success, showing his unique perspective on life and art.
19 implied HN points β€’ 14 Nov 21
  1. Pricing a painting involves more than just the artwork itself, but also considerations like promotion and event planning.
  2. Modern artists face challenges like being expected to market their work like used cars, in contrast to earlier periods.
  3. Artists may find solace in their isolation, using modern tools to express themselves and maintain authenticity amidst the demands of the art world.
19 implied HN points β€’ 08 Oct 21
  1. The author is preparing for a solo exhibition in Rochester, NY focusing on his paintings and pricing strategy
  2. The author discusses the impact of 20th-century paradigms on art scenes and the need for change in how success is viewed
  3. A particular 'Painting Box for Russia' with ready-to-deliver paintings to Saint Petersburg for an exhibition has remained unopened due to lockdown, and the author plans to display it at an upcoming exhibition in a unique way
19 implied HN points β€’ 22 Jul 21
  1. The author discusses the struggle of being a creative professional and the challenges of making a living from art and writing, emphasizing the financial difficulties faced in pursuing their passion.
  2. Reflections on societal dynamics, capitalism, and the impacts of wealthy individuals like Jeff Bezos on economic structures are contemplated in a critical and satirical manner.
  3. Personal anecdotes about anniversaries, life on a country property, and the complexities of balancing artistic pursuits with financial realities are shared, highlighting themes of love, debt, and creative fulfillment.
19 implied HN points β€’ 13 Jul 21
  1. The post discusses finding a vintage Fortune Magazine from 1939, detailing skewed primary source history from the perspective of the wealthy elite at the end of the Great Depression and the beginning of World War II.
  2. The magazine shows perspectives that contrast sharply with what most people were experiencing during that time, including advertisements promoting sugar consumption and positive views of Nazi Germany.
  3. The author plans to reinterpret and share his own perspective on the historical content from the magazine, aiming to shed light on how events from that era might have impacted current issues.
19 implied HN points β€’ 06 Jul 21
  1. The United States does not have a mandatory minimum paid vacation policy, which can lead to workers feeling obligated to continue working even during what should be leisure time.
  2. There is a prevalent work psychology issue in society where people feel guilty or out of place when they try to take time off for relaxation.
  3. Despite the lack of mandatory vacation time, some individuals find solace and pursue their creative passions even during what could be considered a break from work.
19 implied HN points β€’ 04 Jun 21
  1. Nature is important with living things like birds, ants, flowers, and bacteria making up the ecosystem.
  2. The text discussed the damaging impact of human actions on the environment, specifically pollution from cars and industrial activities.
  3. The importance of personal relationships, love, and laughter in combating loneliness and finding purpose in a modern, disconnected world.
19 implied HN points β€’ 21 May 21
  1. The author reflects on the importance of love and wisdom, suggesting that focusing on early love and courting happiness can bring insight and joy to life.
  2. The text discusses societal issues, mentioning the impact of modernity on happiness, the neglect of love in public discourse, and the pursuit of careerism over true happiness.
  3. There is a critical reflection on the Dalai Lama and the concept of compassion, questioning his style, the perception of enlightenment, and the importance of personal responsibility over societal actions.