Nano Thoughts

Thoughts about rapidly growing convergence between biology, data science thanks to several semiconductor technologies and robotics. Written by AG, and friends, in between arguing about immortality and lemon picking.

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And their main takeaways
1 implied HN point 11 Oct 22
  1. Cobra Effect occurs when a solution makes the problem worse due to unintended consequences.
  2. Overemphasis on metrics like impact factor in academia can lead to pretentious science.
  3. Incentive structures within academia may incentivize behaviors that do not contribute to real progress.
0 implied HN points 09 Apr 21
  1. Not all tokens are the same; some are fungible, and some are non-fungible.
  2. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) offer unique, traceable, indivisible, and programmable digital assets.
  3. NFTs are finding uses in digital collectibles, virtual real estate, digital art, and potentially in fields like healthcare and research.
  4. NFTs can represent digital assets that are one-of-a-kind, allowing for authentication and ownership through blockchain technology.
0 implied HN points 23 Mar 21
  1. The exploration of decentralized, comprehensive health technologies is crucial for the future of healthcare.
  2. The emerging field of next-gen proteomics shows promising potential to revolutionize biology and healthcare.
  3. Technological advancements in proteomics are paving the way for new applications in healthcare, with companies like Seer, Nautilus, and Quantum Si at the forefront.
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0 implied HN points 23 Mar 21
  1. Nano-thoughts discuss the convergence of data science, nano-materials, and molecular biology.
  2. The thoughts are distilled from conversations over a pint of beer or during mental excursions.
  3. The author is part of the faculty at MIT and involved with startups, but the opinions expressed are personal and not affiliated with any organizations.
0 implied HN points 31 Mar 21
  1. The hype around genomic information often exceeds its practical application in healthcare.
  2. Proteins play a crucial role in biological functions and their analysis is fundamental in clinical settings and drug development.
  3. Advancements in protein analysis technologies are paving the way for a new era of biological research and healthcare.
0 implied HN points 16 Dec 22
  1. ChatGPT is a powerful new chatbot that can communicate in plain English and can rewrite all the rules.
  2. ChatGPT is the beginning of an entirely new approach to working with knowledge, and those who act on this first will have a considerable advantage.
  3. ChatGPT allows for collaborative, hybrid work, where humans guide AI, correct mistakes, and maximize output efficiently.
0 implied HN points 03 Nov 22
  1. Some successful products focus on using tried-and-true technology instead of the latest cutting-edge advancements.
  2. Innovation can come from reimagining existing technology in new and unexpected ways.
  3. To create innovative products, consider the core purpose, mix in random ideas, and utilize mature technologies.