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ASeq Newsletter 36 implied HN points 31 Jan 24
  1. Illumina has a method to potentially double their instruments' throughput, but it may come with a slight decrease in accuracy.
  2. By simultaneously reading both the forward and reverse strands, Illumina can achieve four reads per cluster, doubling the throughput.
  3. Implementing the simultaneous paired-end sequencing approach may be challenging without sacrificing accuracy, but it opens up opportunities for increased throughput in the future.
ASeq Newsletter 21 implied HN points 17 Feb 24
  1. PPMSeq is a duplex sequencing technique that ensures high accuracy reads by reading both forward and reverse strands of a double-stranded sequence.
  2. Ultima's PPMSeq works by amplifying both strands on the same bead and utilizing a tag to identify their presence, with errors causing radical dephasing which is taken care of by downstream software.
  3. Approaches to implementing PPMSeq on Ultima's platform involve reading both strands in both directions simultaneously or keeping the product on beads in the same orientation, each with its own challenges and considerations.
Asimov Press 90 implied HN points 16 Apr 23
  1. GPT-4 controlled a lab robot to conduct chemical reactions, showcasing the potential of using natural language to automate experiments.
  2. Skin microbes were engineered to activate the immune system to fight tumors when applied to the skin, offering a novel cancer treatment approach.
  3. Tobacco plants were genetically modified to produce moth sex pheromones, providing a natural way to repel male moths from crops and protect them.
LatchBio 20 implied HN points 14 Sep 23
  1. Bioinformaticians face challenges in developing specialized scientific workflows due to managing large files and deploying academic tools.
  2. Snakemake, a Python-based framework, offers advantages over Nextflow in terms of Python readability, debuggability, and configuration simplicity.
  3. LatchBio now provides native support for Snakemake, enabling bioinformaticians to leverage graphical interfaces, managed infrastructure, and downstream analysis solutions.
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Quantum Formalism 0 implied HN points 13 Apr 23
  1. A special webinar on classical-to-quantum sequence encoding in genomics will take place tomorrow at 4 pm GMT with key insights presented by the team working on QF's data encoding challenge.
  2. The webinar abstract highlights innovative methods that combine diverse fields like Electrical Engineering, Information Theory, and Neural Networks to create efficient data encoding schemes for genomics.
  3. The research explores utilizing lossless compression, wavelet-based encoding, and information entropy in developing classical-to-quantum data encoding methods, offering implications for the future of bioinformatics and quantum computing.