The MacroTourist $35 / month

The MacroTourist, authored by Kevin Muir, is an almost daily newsletter focusing on financial markets, providing insights into market dynamics, Federal Reserve policies, equity and bond markets, and specific investment opportunities such as crude oil and Japanese stock index forwards. It includes weekly wrap-ups and exclusive content for paid subscribers.

Financial Markets Federal Reserve Policies Equity and Bond Markets Investment Opportunities Market Forecasts Economic Analysis

Top posts of the year

And their main takeaways
569 implied HN points 26 Jan 24
  1. The author is bullish on crude oil due to optimism about the global economy.
  2. The author mentions being Canadian and naturally inclined to invest in energy resources.
  3. The post discusses the skewed risk reward of investing in crude oil to the upside.
452 implied HN points 12 Oct 23
  1. Recent rise in long-term yields has made bond term premiums more important to investors.
  2. Equity risk premium is a topic that needs attention.
  3. Investors are considering selling stocks and buying bonds.
Get a weekly roundup of the best Substack posts, by hacker news affinity:
334 implied HN points 15 Jan 24
  1. The equities market saw an increase in prices driven by expanding P/E ratios.
  2. This post is only accessible to paid subscribers.
  3. The content includes a 'tourist chartbook' focusing on market trends.