The hottest Drug Safety Substack posts right now

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Top Health & Wellness Topics
RESCUE with Michael Capuzzo 1965 implied HN points 09 Feb 24
  1. The article highlights concerns about the safety and effectiveness of Paxlovid as doctors start to drop it due to drug interactions and research linking it to Covid rebounds and virus shedding.
  2. Pfizer is heavily promoting Paxlovid amidst concerns, transitioning from Emergency Use Authorization to FDA approval at a much higher price, despite struggles to market the drug successfully.
  3. There is a push to stigmatize skeptics of Paxlovid as 'anti-paxxers,' paralleling previous campaigns against alternative treatments like ivermectin.
Weight and Healthcare 758 implied HN points 31 Jan 24
  1. FDA approval of a drug does not mean it is completely without risks; it means the benefits are deemed worth the risks.
  2. The FDA assesses the risks and benefits of a drug based on the research provided by the pharmaceutical company before granting approval.
  3. When it comes to weight loss drugs, the risk/benefit analysis by the FDA may be skewed due to questionable research around weight and health, leading to a lower safety bar for approval.
The Frontier Psychiatrists 294 implied HN points 15 Jan 24
  1. Antipsychotic medications can increase the risk of metabolic syndrome and other adverse outcomes in individuals with depression.
  2. Youth treated with higher-dose antipsychotic medications are at risk of increased mortality, especially among vulnerable children.
  3. Treating young adults with high-dose antipsychotic medications can result in significantly more deaths compared to fentanyl, emphasizing the need for better options for vulnerable youth.
Weight and Healthcare 858 implied HN points 05 Aug 23
  1. The concept of body-size-as-disease is constructed by the diet industry and lacks scientific grounding.
  2. Engaging in intentional weight loss contradicts being a part of the Health at Every Size community.
  3. Research suggests that weight-neutral interventions can offer similar cardiometabolic benefits with fewer risks compared to weight loss drugs.
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