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MatchQuarters 157 implied HN points 14 Sep 23
  1. The Detroit Lions used a popular Trips coverage called Stubbie to surprise the Chiefs in Week 1.
  2. Stubbie, while having Cover 2 elements, is more related to Quarters than Cover 2 due to the locked CB on #1 WR.
  3. The Lions' decision to switch to Quarters as their base coverage in Week 1 paid off, with the use of Stubbie helping them effectively defend against the Chiefs.
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The Author Is Dumb 1 implied HN point 07 Mar 23
  1. Gus Van Sant attempted a shot-for-shot remake of 'Psycho' (1960), which was met with widespread rejection.
  2. It is nearly impossible to recreate a film shot-for-shot due to various factors, including actors and production details.
  3. Despite the criticism, the audacity of the experiment and the potential for reevaluation make 'Psycho' (1998) an interesting piece of filmmaking.