Theory Matters

Theory Matters explores the intersection of political theory and practical politics to offer insights into contemporary issues. It critiques current political systems, discusses the importance of political and philosophical education, and examines the impacts of societal shifts on politics, all through a theoretical lens.

Political Theory Philosophy and Ethics Education and Intellectual Development Societal and Cultural Dynamics Mental Health International Relations and Security Nationalism and Identity

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5 implied HN points β€’ 17 Mar 24
  1. Limitarianism discusses limiting consumption and extreme wealth to save the planet and address resource distribution issues
  2. The book presents arguments against extreme wealth but fails to provide solid first principle reasons for wealth limitation
  3. It criticizes the book for weak arguments, lack of rigorous first principles, and challenging style, suggesting it falls short in justifying its position on limiting wealth accumulation
10 implied HN points β€’ 25 Feb 24
  1. In liberal democracies, correctly identifying fascism is essential to protect rights and democracy.
  2. Conflating conventional policies with fascism can blur the lines between regular parties and political extremism.
  3. Understanding the true nature of fascism, its historical roots, and modern manifestations like in North Korea and Syria, is crucial for preventing its spread.
7 implied HN points β€’ 02 Mar 24
  1. It can be valuable to recognize and respect the right to do nothing, even in a world that often glorifies constant activity and productivity.
  2. In the realm of politics, the choice to not participate should be acknowledged and accepted, as not everyone feels compelled or interested in engaging in political processes.
  3. Deciding how we spend our time is a personal choice, and it's important to appreciate that the right not to act is as significant as the right to act in various aspects of life.
16 implied HN points β€’ 25 Jan 24
  1. Universities are facing financial struggles due to a decline in student numbers, both domestic and international.
  2. There is a shift in the perception of universities, moving away from being seen as places of intellectual exploration to mere stepping stones for jobs.
  3. There is a call for universities to prioritize intellectual experiences over skill-building, avoid becoming 'skills factories,' and uphold honesty and standards.
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7 implied HN points β€’ 20 Feb 24
  1. It's important to study the foundational thinkers of political theory like Plato, Hobbes, and Locke, even if we don't always agree with them, as their ideas continue to shape contemporary debates about justice and freedom.
  2. Shortcuts in learning and work can lead to a lack of foundational knowledge and reduced quality in outcomes, affecting areas from education to construction.
  3. Putting in the hard work to learn the fundamentals is essential, even in a society where speed and quantity are often prioritized over quality, to avoid producing individuals who lack true understanding and depth of knowledge.
3 implied HN points β€’ 07 Mar 24
  1. Jason Blakely's book 'Lost in Ideology' offers a new and inventive approach to political and philosophical crises, suggesting that understanding differing maps of ideology can lead to better self-awareness and empathy.
  2. The book explores the idea that ideologies are culturally contingent and dives into various philosophical doctrines, pointing out strengths and weaknesses without rigidly advocating for a specific one.
  3. Blakely's work emphasizes precision and clarity in navigating intellectual traditions, avoiding oversimplification, and making valuable distinctions between different ideological schools and thinkers, making the text accessible for scholars and students alike.
9 implied HN points β€’ 14 Jan 24
  1. Society's focus on mental health awareness may not always translate to effective support for those struggling.
  2. There is a complexity and unpredictability to mental illness that goes beyond simple slogans or depictions.
  3. Cultural shifts towards individualism can impact mental health, emphasizing the importance of interconnectedness and community support.
21 implied HN points β€’ 29 May 23
  1. Living in an era of information abundance can make us feel like we do not have enough time.
  2. Reflecting on what we learn may be more beneficial than constantly striving for productivity.
  3. Focusing on constant productivity can lead to anxiety and a false sense of progress.
1 implied HN point β€’ 14 Feb 24
  1. Feeling secure in love involves more than just practical reasons; it's about genuine acceptance and a deep connection.
  2. Personal security and international security share similarities - both can be influenced by factors like recognition and acceptance.
  3. States strive for security by building internal defenses and alliances, but the effectiveness of international organizations in ensuring peace and security is questionable.
14 implied HN points β€’ 02 Jul 23
  1. The post discusses the concept of rights and entitlements.
  2. It mentions the statement 'No human being is illegal' in relation to the migrant crisis.
  3. There is an invitation to subscribe for a 7-day free trial to access full post archives.
12 implied HN points β€’ 24 Jul 23
  1. The world of cinema is currently buzzing about Oppenheimer and the intriguing juxtaposition within the film.
  2. The author shares about their experience watching Oppenheimer with a perspective close to nihilism.
  3. Readers can access the full post and archives by subscribing to Theory Matters with a 7-day free trial.