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Ask Polly β€’ 6230 implied HN points β€’ 22 Jan 24
  1. Cherish your dreams and desires proudly and see your horizons expand.
  2. Recognize that finding the right partner may involve accepting imperfections and making compromises.
  3. Embrace your inner strength and individuality, and believe in your ability to thrive and be loved, with or without a partner.
The Vajenda β€’ 3734 implied HN points β€’ 23 Jan 24
  1. The menstrual cycle is a unique and vital aspect of human biology.
  2. Historically, female physiology has been viewed as inferior, leading to inadequate research and medical care for those who menstruate.
  3. Education and knowledge about menstruation are crucial to combat misinformation and empower individuals to advocate for their health.
Granted β€’ 10821 implied HN points β€’ 01 Jun 23
  1. The book "Hidden Potential" by Adam Grant explores how progress is more about motivation and opportunity than talent.
  2. We all have hidden potential, and it's not just for underdogs or late bloomers, but for everyone in schools, teams, and workplaces.
  3. The focus should be on the progress made along the way towards achieving goals, not just reaching peaks.
Men Yell at Me β€’ 221 implied HN points β€’ 17 Jan 24
  1. Learning how to ask for more in relationships is important for personal growth and fulfillment.
  2. It can be empowering for women to challenge societal norms and ask for more in their lives.
  3. Exploring and understanding one's needs and desires can lead to healthier and more satisfying experiences, especially in intimate relationships.
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L'Atelier Galita β€’ 334 implied HN points β€’ 20 Oct 23
  1. The gender wealth gap can start from childhood with differences in pocket money and how boys and girls are taught to manage money.
  2. Couples often have unequal financial dynamics, with women shouldering more unpaid domestic work and facing financial vulnerabilities during and after relationships.
  3. It's important for women to prioritize financial independence, have open conversations about money, and be aware of economic abuse in relationships.
The Shift With Sam Baker β€’ 738 implied HN points β€’ 08 Jun 23
  1. The concept of 'fuckability' is a curse that affects women from puberty and beyond, with societal expectations and objectification causing harm.
  2. Women, especially as they age, are rejecting the societal pressure of being seen as 'fuckable' and embracing their independence and experiences.
  3. The issue of 'fuckability' is deeply intertwined with power dynamics and ownership over women, beyond just physical appearance.
The Leadership Lab β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 11 Sep 22
  1. Try empowering instead of just supporting others; empower them to find their own strength and solutions.
  2. Emotional intelligence goes beyond empathy; it includes understanding and managing your own feelings, not just those of others.
  3. Preventing problems is as important as solving them; sometimes the calm preparedness to handle storms is more valuable than being a heroic problem-solver.
Wayne's Earth β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 29 Dec 22
  1. When faced with adversity, it's more powerful to rise above and become better than seeking revenge.
  2. Standing up for yourself calmly and maturely shows strength and maturity more effectively than seeking physical retribution.
  3. Living life on your own terms is a powerful form of revenge against those who have wronged you.
Venture Prose β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 29 Jul 16
  1. TheFamily supports French entrepreneurs with a mission to challenge the status quo and build an infrastructure based on knowledge and experience.
  2. Education should focus on maximizing individual potential rather than standardized programs and prestigious credentials.
  3. Entrepreneurship is not limited to starting a business; it's about driving change, making an impact, and constantly learning and iterating.