The hottest Financial history Substack posts right now

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Top Finance Topics
Chartbook 1673 implied HN points 08 Sep 23
  1. The US Treasury market liquidity is crucial for the global financial system.
  2. The issuance of public debt is intricately tied to the creation of credit and money in a public-private partnership.
  3. Changes in the Treasury market structure, from banks to capital markets to non-bank actors, have implications for systemic stability.
Pekingnology 71 implied HN points 06 Feb 24
  1. Yi Gang discussed the historical significance of Jiaozi, the first paper money, and its implications for currency policies
  2. He emphasized the importance of competition under constraints for a successful monetary system
  3. Yi Gang highlighted the necessity of establishing and enhancing modern central bank systems to maintain currency stability
A Letter a Day 196 implied HN points 02 May 23
  1. 20-year run of Tiger Management saw impressive returns but faced struggles from 1998-2000, leading to the decision to shut down the fund
  2. Julian Robertson emphasized the importance of value investing over speculative, short-term gains driven by irrational markets
  3. Regardless of setbacks, Robertson believes in the long-term potential of value investing and the cyclicality of market trends
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