The hottest Growth mindset Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Elevate 517 implied HN points 16 Dec 23
  1. Our lives are influenced by patterns and routines, some chosen consciously and others unknowingly. Changing habits can propel us forward or hold us back.
  2. To change where we go, we must change what we do. Setting clear goals, creating action plans, and building support networks are essential for effective change.
  3. Embrace failures as learning opportunities, cultivate a growth mindset, and regularly review and adjust your actions to transform obstacles into stepping stones for growth.
Mindful Matrix 219 implied HN points 29 Jan 24
  1. Having a growth mindset is essential in software engineering and life. Viewing challenges as opportunities for growth helps in overcoming obstacles and achieving success.
  2. Failure should be seen as a learning experience. Embracing mistakes, analyzing them, and using them as lessons leads to resilience and growth.
  3. Receiving feedback with an open mind and using it as a tool for improvement contributes to rapid skill development and fosters a collaborative work environment.
Pen, Paper & Pizza 2 HN points 18 Apr 24
  1. Many founders face serious mental health challenges, with studies revealing 70-80% struggling with issues like anxiety, burnout, and depression.
  2. To excel as founders, it's crucial to invest in mental resilience, navigating uncertainties, staying mindful, and seeking support.
  3. Key strategies for building mental resilience include stress management, fostering connections, monitoring thoughts, setting healthy boundaries, establishing routines, finding gratitude, focusing on purpose, and embracing inner peace.
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The Leadership Lab 118 implied HN points 25 Jun 23
  1. Emotions are intelligent - all emotions have value and it's important to understand their intelligence rather than control them.
  2. Personal development is messy - the journey to consciousness and leadership involves unraveling old patterns, which can be challenging and tender.
  3. Take 100% responsibility - acknowledge that you are the creator of your experiences, even when you don't want to take ownership, and use that realization to drive change.
Finding Joy 78 implied HN points 01 Jul 23
  1. Freedom comes with responsibility - owning your choices and actions is key to creating the life you want.
  2. Avoid seeking instructions from others out of fear - taking radical ownership is challenging but necessary.
  3. Embrace agency and take control of your life - you have the power to shape your future and influence your circumstances.
The Weasel Speaks 98 implied HN points 25 Feb 23
  1. Always challenge yourself with steep learning curves for growth
  2. Feeling like an impostor is common, but push through it by embracing learning challenges
  3. Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable is key to success and continuous learning
A Perfectly Cromulent Software Engineer 0 implied HN points 11 Feb 24
  1. Dealing with unexpected situations can reflect on handling deeper-life challenges too. Sometimes, avoiding tough situations leads to regret.
  2. Don't fear asking questions or seeking feedback, even if it might seem embarrassing. Embracing vulnerability can lead to growth and improvement.
  3. Fear of looking foolish often holds people back. Taking risks, asking questions, and seeking feedback can lead to personal and professional development.