The hottest Note Taking Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Everything Is Amazing 1477 implied HN points 18 Feb 24
  1. Writing something down helps you remember it better, so it's not just about typing but also about physically writing.
  2. Observing nature can lead to interesting discoveries, like how birds charm worms using vibrations to catch them.
  3. Unexpected collaborations and interactions can lead to exciting outcomes, like gaining exposure to a wider audience through social media.
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Only Wonder Knows 58 implied HN points 01 Sep 23
  1. Recording funny things in lab notebooks can save time and provide valuable insights for future work.
  2. Using a notebook for design work, organizing content, and including references can help centralize information.
  3. Taking oscilloscope captures, naming signals, and recording measurement values are important steps for effective debugging.
Exploring Tools for Thought 4 implied HN points 24 Jun 23
  1. Cornell Notes is a versatile note-taking method that promotes active learning, organization, and comprehension
  2. The Cornell Note-Taking System was developed in the 1950s and is widely used for organizing and summarizing information
  3. Using Cornell Notes can benefit both students and professionals in various settings and help improve information retention
Magis 3 HN points 22 Apr 23
  1. LLMs can potentially boost productivity for investment managers by automating tasks like creating Excel models and analyzing communication logs.
  2. Using tools like Gong to automate note-taking during Zoom calls can provide investment managers with valuable insights from meetings.
  3. Investment managers have the opportunity to leverage LLMs to extract structured datasets from unstructured data sources, enhancing their analytical capabilities.